Why Me? - 7

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When I went inside, I saw Pearl arguing with someone from the Engineering department... I know that man because I saw him many times with Vegas... But why Pearl was arguing with that man? I already have enough confusion today... So, I went straight to Pearl to ask what was happening but before I could reach them Pearl dismissed him and walked towards me...

"Pearl what is happening? I'm really confused..." I surrendered. Pearl smiled at me...

"Take me home Pete... I'm tired" she said while holding my arms... She is really suspicious today... But I believe her so I will ask her about everything tomorrow... For today I deserve a deep sleep...

When we sat in the car Pearl closed his eyes to avoid my questions... I know she is doing this on purpose... What the hell is running in your mind Pearl... That's the only question running in my mind now...

I drove Pearl to her home... she went to her room without turning back... I sighed... Anyway, she will talk to me when she is ready...

Then I drove back home to sleep but I couldn't get rid of Pearl and Vegas from my mind.... What the hell both want from me... One is trying to play with my feelings, another one is definitely hiding something from me...

God, please give me a break... I can only handle one problem at the same time, and I have weak brain cells so please consider and give me one problem at one time please God....

I prayed and closed my eyes not wanting to drag my thoughts. I want to sleep now... And I slept...



"Hey, wake up" I heard some irritating voice in the morning... God I don't want to hear this voice in the morning... If it was my dream I will consider it as my nightmare.

"I have so much work to do so get up first" Again I heard the same voice and Now I'm confident enough this is not just a dream... It is really going to be a nightmare...

"Get out" that's the first thing that comes out of my mouth after I see a Porsche when I open my eyes...

"Do you think I want to be here in the first place?"

"Then why are you here? GET OUT OF MY ROOM" I shouted...

He looked frustrated and showed me his mobile... I narrowed my eyes but read the messages he showed me...It's from Pearl...

["Phi can you please check Pete in the morning and give him the medicines which are placed under his study table... One from the red bottle and two from the blue bottle and don't forget to make sure he drinks enough water after taking the medicines... And don't forget to give him food before that"] ...

I sighed after reading that and Porsche put his mobile in his packet and gave me a towel...

"Go and wash. I will bring food here" he said and threw the towel on my face...

"Shut Up and get out when I'm in a nice mood..." I said because I'm really irritated because Pearl asked Porsche to help me to take medicines for panic attacks out of all people... If she forgot who the reason that I start to suffer from panic attack is none other than my so-called hia I want to remind her of that. It seems like I want to remind another person too because now Porsche moved around my room like he owns the room...

"Oh, I found the medicines" he said while holding medicine bottles...

"Porsche don't get on my nerves just get out" I am already being nice to him...

"Don't whine... If you didn't get your ass up from the bed now, I'm going to take you to the bathroom by myself and then don't complain because If I take you to the bathroom, I'm the one who will give you a bath... If you want me to give you a bath, then try to close your eyes..." He warned me I know this psycho will do that, but I want to protest...

Why Me???[Vegas Pete]Where stories live. Discover now