30- Dominance of Mafia King😎

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Raghavendra and Aniket arrived at the warehouse where Chang was waiting for them. 

As they stepped out of the car, Raghavendra surveyed the area, ensuring it was secluded enough for their meeting. 

He preferred to conduct these dealings in places away from prying eyes and ears, especially when dealing with international figures like Chang. 

Being an international mafia, any slip-up could lead to severe consequences, not just for his illegal activities but also for his legal businesses.

The warehouse offered the perfect setting for their transaction – isolated and away from the hustle and bustle of the city. 

Raghavendra was well aware of the risks involved, especially with Chang being a formidable figure in the underworld, albeit not as powerful as himself.

With a calm demeanor, Raghavendra led the way into the warehouse, his senses sharp and alert, ready to handle any situation that may arise. 

Aniket followed closely behind, his gaze scanning the surroundings for any potential threats.

Inside the dimly lit space, Chang awaited them.

Raghavendra approached him with confidence, knowing that he himself held the upper hand in this negotiation.

As they began their discussion, Raghavendra remained vigilant, keeping a watchful eye on Chang's every move.

The tension in the air was palpable as Chang's piercing gaze bore into Raghavendra. 

Chang: Where are the diamonds?

He demanded, his voice sharp and impatient.

Raghavendra remained composed, signaling towards a nearby guitar case with a subtle nod. 

Chang: (his brow furrowed in confusion) Is this some kind of joke, Shergill?

He questioned, skepticism evident in his tone.

With a smirk playing on his lips, Raghavendra replied calmly

Raghavendra: Relax, Chang!

With deliberate movements, he unlatched the guitar case and lifted the lid, revealing its contents.

Chang's eyes widened in disbelief as Raghavendra revealed the true nature of the case. 

Beneath the second layer lay the glittering diamonds, their brilliance illuminating the dimly lit warehouse.

Without a word, Chang reached out to inspect the diamonds, his fingers tracing the edges of the precious gems. 

He knew immediately that they were authentic, realizing that Raghavendra had not deceived him in this regard.

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