39 | lovesick doofus

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champagne problems / taylor swift

i dropped your hand while dancing
left you out there standing
crestfallen on the landing
my picture in your wallet
your heart was glass, i dropped it
champagne problems

🍊 🍊 🍊

| real life |

real life

After Callie and I say goodnight and end our call, I tiptoe upstairs to where I am betting the two older triplets are still awake. I start with Matt, since I assume he will be the least upset with me when I tell him my news.

When I hear a faint "come in!" from behind Matt's door, I enter his bedroom that is lit by the soft glow of his TV. Matt is sprawled across his bed, and his eyebrows rise curiously at me.

"What's up?" he questions, pausing his movie.

I suck in a sharp breath, my feet not moving from beside the door. "I'm going home in the morning."

Matt's eyebrows turn down in confusion and he sits up in bed, gesturing for me to come closer. "The fuck do you mean you're going home in the morning?"

"My flight's at eight. Callie's taking me to the airport." I hesitantly sit on the edge of Matt's bed, my eyes trained to the young man beside me. "I'm kinda freaking out, and I think I need some space, and I don't know if I'm making a stupid decision, but-"

"Hey," Matt interrupts me gently. "You don't have to explain yourself to me. I get it."

I smile softly, relieved that I don't have to dive into an analysis of my actions. "Thanks, Matty. I haven't told Chris yet."

Matt immediately winces. "Fuck. Have fun with that."

I sigh as I stand from the bed. "Thanks."

"You're not going to break up with him right?" Matt catches my hand to prevent me from walking away. His facial expression is hesitant, and his lips are pursed almost defensively.

"Fuck no!" I exclaim, horrified that Matt would even think such a thing. "That kid is the best thing to ever happen to me. He would need to get a restraining order to keep me away from him."

"Good," Matt chuckles. He climbs out of his bed and tugs me into a hug, his chin resting on top of my head. "I still really want you to be my sister."

I hug Matt back, my lips rounding in a smile. "Matt, you're already my brother. We've been Dipper and Mabel for years."

"I can't argue with that," Matt grins at me as we separate, and he ruffles my hair fondly. "Good luck, kid. Stay in touch."

I hesitate at the door, turning back slightly to look at Matt.

"He'll be okay," Matt smiles softly, seemingly reading my mind. "I'll make sure of it."

I smile tightly before slipping back out of Matt's room without another word. I suck in a sharp breath as I climb the stairs to Nick's room, not bothering to knock before barging inside. Nick's Christmas lights are turned on, casting warm colours across his room. The young man is sprawled like a starfish across his bed, and he is dressed in Stranger Things pyjama pants and a white t-shirt. He doesn't look up from his phone when I flop down on the bed beside him, my eyes catching on the tiktok of a dog swimming on his phone.

"Look at his little legs moving!" Nick coos, his bottom lip jutting out.

"Your face looks stupid when you do that." I snigger when Nick scowls at me, and I roll over on my back so I can see his face more clearly, since he is lying on his stomach beside me. "Nick?"

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