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Standing in the wide bathroom, the melodic strains of Coldplay's "Yellow" bounced off the walls, creating an ambiance that filled the space

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Standing in the wide bathroom, the melodic strains of Coldplay's "Yellow" bounced off the walls, creating an ambiance that filled the space.

Solea stood upright, her posture taut, and exhaled slowly, determined not to reveal the unease Laurie's presence stirred within her. Despite the bathroom's grand size, with its three rows of stalls, each housing five compartments, the room seemed eerily quiet with only the two of them inside.

Taking cautious steps back while maintaining a composed expression and unbroken eye contact—a skill she'd picked up from Sante'—Solea continued until her back met the cool surface of the wall.

Crossing her arms defiantly, she fixed a steady gaze on the brown-skinned girl before her, unable to suppress a disbelieving shake of her head.

"You can't hear me? Do i need to be over six feet with tattoos for you to comprehend." Laurie's voice cut through the tense atmosphere.

Triggering a surge of anger within Solea."hold on, bitch who do you think you're talking to?" Solea retorted

"I know you're not trying to question me, like you haven't already been blocked for being a stalker" she added, tilting her head slightly. In response, so much rage and disbelief behind her eyes.

Laurie emitted a high-pitched giggle, hastily covering her mouth with her hand. She then sauntered toward the center of the room, seemingly approaching Solea before veering off toward the sink, lifting the nearby model to wash her hands.

Laurie let out a hollow, humorless laugh, her gaze fixated on her own reflection in the bathroom mirror while keeping a watchful eye on Solea's presence behind her.

"You know" Laurie began as she dried her hands "Ever since I met you at Nova's wedding, you've always given off this... I don't know 'pick me I'm so gentle and kind' vibe." Her words were punctuated by a hint of jealousy peeking through her medium-plumped lips—something she was particularly insecure about, especially in comparison to Solea's naturally full ones.

Raising an eyebrow in silent observance, Solea maintained a careful watch over Laurie as she embarked on her monologue.

Subtly her surroundings, her eyes darting around the bathroom, ensuring there were no weapons Laurie could potentially use nearby. With the door a mere five yards away, she was keenly aware of her surroundings.

Satisfied that the bathroom held no hidden threats, Solea refocused on Laurie's conversation just as the mention of Sante's name caught her attention.

"I let you slide peacefully the first couple of times you forced yourself into MY man's face, but you're really showing your crazy, delusional psycho ass now" Solea stated her voice slow and deliberate, each word landing like a carefully aimed arrow.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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