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Waking up to the harsh and scruffy voice of a mid 40 year old man over the intercom, Solea could hear the pilot from her slumber, alerting her that they have landed back in her hometown Houston,Texas

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Waking up to the harsh and scruffy voice of a mid 40 year old man over the intercom, Solea could hear the pilot from her slumber, alerting her that they have landed back in her hometown Houston,Texas.

With drowsy eyes Solea starts getting her stuff together and text her brother that her plane has landed.

Solea was so excited to see her brother, faceTiming for 2 years while she was away was hard on her, but with the encouragement of her family she was able to push through and continue.

Being in Barcelona was everything she hoped for. Down to the tourist sites, food, history and friends she made that became family to her. It was an experience of a lifetime that she will never forget. She plans on going back but she needed this time with her family, to see where she wants to plan out her life in the future.

Being away from her family after a big event was not apart of her plan, but she had dreams and more of life she wanted to see.

20minutes later after unboarding the plane and gathering her luggage she was walking out the terminal and outside to pickup

Walking out of the double doors with the wind blowing her 30" buss down unit Solea kept her head on a swivel. Looking back and forth trying to spot a familiar car with her family she was left with no luck.

Taking her phone out to browse her socials since it was clear her brother wasn't going to be picking her up on time, she started to open up her Instagram to updated her followers she landed.

Solea was very known in the influencer community, with 1million subscribers on her YouTube channel (that she has yet to get back into the groove of after taking a mental break 2 months ago), 300k on TikTok and having 654k Instagram followers wasn't something she took lightly.

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