I hear Cruel Summer playing and can't help but dance along while I finish drying the crockery. Whenever I stay somewhere, I always wash the dishes and cutlery before I use them just incase. It's around the middle of the song and I notice Bec has stopped singing. I am about to turn around to check on her when I feel her warm hands slide around my waist, her body pressing into mine. I instinctively stop moving, but I feel her grip my hips, "Keep going, babe" she whispers in my ear. I shiver and start swaying my hips more deliberately, arching my back so by ass is pressed into her front. I hear her hum along to the song, her hands still on my hips, pulling me into her. I lean my head back, sliding my hand up the back of her neck and into her hair, gripping it tightly. She moans softly, before licking up my neck all the way to my ear, I let out a sigh, pressing my butt further back into her. "I love you, ain't that the worst thing you ever heard? She looks up, grinning like a devil" she sings softly in my ear, as she slides her hands around my front, slowly making their way up my tshirt, pressing wet kisses along my neck. The way she changed the lyric makes me smirk

Before her hands get any higher, I spin in her arms, grabbing her face and pressing our lips together. We both sigh, her lips feel so good against my own, rolling together desperately. I bite her bottom lip, before licking across it, asking for her to let me into her mouth. Immediately she gives me access, opening her mouth for me, I plunge my tongue in, exploring every corner like it's the first time. When our tongues make contact she digs her nails into my back, good job she keeps them short. She lightly scratches down, gripping the hem of my tshirt, I pull away from the kiss, letting go of her face so she can pull it off. Both of us are breathing heavily, I can see her smirking and staring at my boobs, only covered by a bralet. I pull the bralet over my head, her eyes get wider but she doesn't move so I take her hands and place them on my breasts. Her eyes quickly snap up to mine, "Aren't you... aren't they sensitive or sore from yesterday?" She asks, I squeeze her hands over my boobs, "Mmm a bit but I trust you to be gentle".

I watch as she lowers her face down, lightly kissing each of my nipples, then laying open mouth kisses up between my tits and up my throat. "I want you to use it on me. Now" she whispers breathily in my ear, I feel an excited flutter in my stomach, "Are you sure?". She pulls back nodding, taking my hand and leading me upstairs. Once we make it up the stairs, we fumble taking off our clothes as quickly as possible, both of us clearly excited. She picks up the dildo and harness bringing it over to me, "Don't you want to use the smaller one?" I ask, "No I trust you. And I want you to fill me up and stretch me out" she whispers the last part before helping me get into the harness then crawling onto the bed so she is sat with her back against the headboard. I tighten the harness to a comfortable level, then grab the lube out of the suitcase, "Babe, I'm so wet, I don't think we need that" she says, watching my every movement very closely. "I know but I want to take every precaution so it's not too painful" I say climbing onto the bed, "Well then pass it here".

She holds her hand out and I pass her the bottle, she opens it and pours a blob onto the middle of her hand, then putting the bottle on the bedside table. She gestures for me to lie between her legs, so I shuffle to where she wants me, I can feel her nipples harden as they press into my back. She runs her empty hand between my tits and onto my stomach, which contracts from the contact. She then reaches her other hand down and holds the dildo, brushing her thumb over the tip. I gasp, even though I can't feel anything, the visual is incredible. She then starts pumping her fist up and down the length of the cock, spreading the lube, I can feel a dull pressure on my clit. As she starts pumping harder and faster, I moan, feeling the pressure and watching closely, Becky starts kissing down my neck, then back up to my ear.

"Take me"

I spin around, pulling her down the bed by her hips so she is lay more flat, "Ah fuck" she moans, seeming to enjoy my display of dominance. I think both of us enjoy being dominant and both enjoy being controlled by the other, submitting to them, yet another reason why we are so perfect for each other. I slide my hands down her thighs, "Lift your legs baby" I say, she bends her knees, spreading her legs wider, "Good girl" I say, running my hands back up her thighs. I move on top of her and press a kiss onto her lips, "Are you ready?" I ask softly, she nods in reply, "Say it, please, use your words". She brings her hand up, cupping my cheek, "I'm ready" she says smiling softly, "Tell me if you want me to stop" I say, before she pecks my lips again. "Okay, I will but please fuck me" she whispers, her breath tickling my lips.

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