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Becky POV

God I feel so stupid. Why did I freak out like that? She probably thinks I'm frigid or something. Ugh. Why do I always ruin everything?
She takes my hand and guides me out of the taxi and up to her apartment. Neither of us say anything, but she doesn't seem pissed off with me.
We get into her apartment and I instantly feel the need to apologise. "I'm so sorry Freen. I don't know why I freaked out like that. Well, no it's because I haven't... I've never... I'm..." she cuts me off with a small peck on the lips. "Becky, stop. You have no reason to apologise. I really did only mean you should come back here so we could share the taxi. I wouldn't ever want to do anything that you're not comfortable with and don't want to do." I breathe a sigh of relief.
She is so perfect "It's not that I don't ever want things to go further, I mean I obviously find you very attractive, but I just don't think I'm ready yet. And I'm sorry for assuming that's what you meant, I think I just panicked." Freen smiled and wrapped me into a warm hug. "We will take things slowly if that's what you want. I'm not really a fan of sleeping with people on a first date anyway." I giggle and follow her as she leads me to the couch.
Freen quickly grabs us some water to try and minimise the hangover before settling on the couch next to me. "So you have... um... slept with people?" I ask awkwardly. "Yeah I have, I've had a couple of boyfriends and then I got with this one girl right after I got dumped because I told my ex I liked girls. I think it was some kind of twisted revenge" she says with a slight laugh. "Oh, so you don't mind that I'm a... that I've never... done anything like that?" She looks at me with a small frown "Of course I don't, Becky. I asked you out tonight because I like you and I wanted to get to know you, not so I could hook up with you and then ghost you" I look up to meet her gaze.
I don't feel as stupid anymore "Thank you" I say, "What for?" She frowns at me again "For being so perfect". She laughs and replies "Well that's far too generous" as she opens her arms, signalling for me to cuddle up next to her.
We stay like that for an hour or so, chatting with 'Rapunzel' playing in the background. When it gets to 11:30pm I let out a big yawn and Freen smiles down at me. "What?" I ask her, "You're cute" she replies, making me blush. "I think it might be bedtime." She continues, "Did you want to sleep in the spare room? I can quickly make up the bed if you do." I look up at her and blink a few times.
She's so considerate "If you want me to I can sleep in the spare room" I reply. "If I'm being totally honest, I'd like to cuddle you all night, but I don't want to make you uncomfortable." She says, her cheeks turning a bit pink, "I'd like that too" I reply. She smiles as she stands up, taking my hand.
Luckily, I decided to wear my boy shorts under my jeans tonight so Freen found me a tshirt to borrow and I just slept in that. I used her en-suite to use the toilet and brush my teeth before going to sleep. When I opened the door I was treated to the view of Freen sat on her bed, wearing very short sleep shorts that showed nearly the full length of her legs and a V-neck vest. All night I had been good and not looked at her chest, but right now I can't help it.
"Becky, come and get into bed." She says, putting her phone down. I feel my cheeks heat up, Freen had just caught me blatantly checking her out. I walk quickly around the bed and crawl under the covers, I can feel her eyes on me, but I'm too scared to look. I feel the mattress shift and I look to see her joining me under the covers.
"I thought you wanted to cuddle, why are you hiding over there?" She says, giggling. I start to shuffle my way over to her, my head racing. She reaches her arms out and pulls me closer so we are lay on our sides, facing each other. I can feel her minty breath on my face, I wonder if she can hear my heart going crazy.
She glances down at my lips, just for a split second, but I notice it. I know she wants to kiss me, but won't incase it makes me uncomfortable. So I move closer to her, sliding my hand down to her hip and then around to her back. She sighs at the movement, but still not leaning in, so I do.
I gently press my lips against hers, feeling all the fireworks and more that I felt earlier. Her lips are so soft, she is by far the best kisser in my few experiences. This kiss is more intense than the last, her hand snakes lower and lower down my back until she reaches my ass. She gently squeezes it, while pulling me even closer, her left leg slotting between my own. I feel her lick my bottom lip, asking for access, and I immediately open my mouth. The moment her tongue touches mine, I feel her squeeze my ass again, this time causing my hips to rut forward. My clit presses against her thigh, the only barrier being my thin boy shorts. I can't help but let out a loud moan. But right as I do so, I feel Freen disconnecting from my lips and pull her thigh from between my legs.
"Shit, I'm so sorry Becky. I got carried away." She said, her eyes full of remorse. "It's okay Freen." I tell her, "No, it's not. I just told you I wouldn't try and do anything and we would take it slow and then I went ahead and did it anyway." She sighs. "Freen, I was enjoying it. If I felt uncomfortable I would have stopped you. I'm telling you, it's okay." I smile at her, rolling onto my back and opening my arms, "Come here". She slides back towards me resting her head on my chest and wrapping her arms around me. "I'm tired anyway, let's go to sleep." She nods and we silently drift off to sleep.

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