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Freen POV

When I get home from work I pour myself a glass of red wine and run myself a bath. Teaching is one of the most fulfilling jobs but also incredibly tiring. Trying to keep small children occupied all day, using free periods to plan lessons and mark work, there is not a moments rest.
Seeing Becky was a nice surprise today. I hadn't planned to go to Jordan's but I fancied a change of scenery for my lunch break and free period. Friday is the only day I have time to leave the school and today it's lucky I did.
I settle into the warm bath, feeling my muscles starting to relax instantly. I grab my phone and open Instagram. How shall I message Becky? I don't want my message to come across too formal but also she needs to know it's a date. I'm not sure if I made that clear earlier.
I type out a few drafts of a message before settling on a short message 'Hey Becky, it was nice running into you earlier. Would 7pm be okay tomorrow? Xx' I hit send before I can question myself again.
Within a few minutes my phone buzzes with her reply '7 sounds great. I'm looking forward to seeing you again xx'. Phew. Now I need to decide what to wear.

7pm comes around quicker than I expected. I offered to pick Becky up when she mentioned she can't drive. Her apartment isn't really on the way to the bar from mine, but I don't mind. I'd rather pick her up than her get a taxi.
I pulled up in front of the apartment block and send her a message to let her know I'm here. Within a couple of minutes I see her walking towards the car. She looks incredible. She is wearing some tight jeans and a cropped white vest with a black leather jacket over the top. The vest is short enough that I can see her abs.
I quickly jump out of the car to greet her with a hug and I can't help but notice she smells amazing. "Hi, thank you for coming to pick me up you didn't have to." Becky says as I lead her to the passenger side. "I know, but I wanted to. I didn't like the idea of you having to get a taxi." I say as I hold the door open for her. "Thank you" she says as she gets in. I shut the door for her and take a breath, trying to calm my nerves.
I don't know why I'm so nervous, I've been on dates before and had a couple of boyfriends but for some reason this feels different. I walk to my side and get in, starting up the car. "You can pick the music" I say handing her the cable, she looks back at me grinning.
I'm not sure what I was expecting but I wasn't expecting her to start blasting Taylor Swift. I can just about make out her singing quietly along to the songs and she has a beautiful voice. I don't mention it incase she stops.
Once we get to Gilbies we head straight to the bar. It's a small place, but it's got a cozy, relaxed atmosphere. "Go on then, pick your poison" I say to Becky, who chuckles at this. "I'll have a pornstar martini, please" she says to the bartender, then looking towards me "Got to start with something that goes down easily". I laugh and order my Long Island iced tea.
She looks at me, with a slight frown. She looks so cute when she does that. "What?" I ask giggling a little bit, "What's in a Long Island iced tea?" She asks. "Oh, it's vodka, tequila, gin, rum and triple sec with coke." I say, she stares at me with wide eyes "Does that even taste good? It sounds a lot like poison to me" I laugh at this. "Yeah, it tastes good, you can try some if you'd like" she nods her head and agrees.
Once the drinks are made, we head to a small upstairs area and sit on a soft couch in the corner. I pick up my drink and hold the straw by her mouth for her to try some. I can't help but stare at her lips as she latches onto the straw. She takes a small sip and makes a face like she's eating a lemon. I burst out laughing "Not a fan then I take it" I say as she shakes her head and takes a big sip of her own drink. "No definitely not, I'll stick to a pornstar martini thanks" I laugh again. "I wonder why it's called a pornstar martini." I say, thinking out loud, "Maybe lots of pornstars drink it" she shrugs in reply. "I hope you're not a pornstar then" I say, teasingly. Her eyes go wide as she quickly replies "No no, definitely not a pornstar". I smirk at her reply and say "I wouldn't mind too much, you're still cute". I watch as her cheeks turn a deep pink colour as she tries to hold back a smile. God I really like her.
The rest of the evening goes well, conversation flows and we gradually move closer and closer to each other. I also drank more than I had planned to, so me and Becky are now somewhat drunk. We are sat so close I can feel her thigh pressing against mine, I have my arm over the back of the sofa and she is leant back against the sofa.
She looks at me and says quietly " You are so pretty you know" with a shy smile. I feel myself blush, "Thank you, but you're the most stunning girl in this room" I say, as I gently brush a piece of hair from her face behind her ear. She sighs and nuzzles her head into my hand with her eyes closed, I brush my thumb across her cheek. Her skin is so soft.
She slowly opens her eyes and looks straight at my lips, licking her own as she does so. Carefully she moves her face closer to my own, stopping just a couple of inches away, with my hand still on her face. I can tell she's nervous. "Can I kiss you?" She almost whispers. Instead of replying I gently tug her forwards and meet her half way, connecting our lips.
I feel fireworks go off in my belly as I feel her soft lips pressed against my own. We stay like that for a few seconds, until she pulls back, resting her forehead on my own. I look at her and smile. She smiles back to me. I gently caress her cheek before moving my hand to the back of her neck and pull her in for another kiss.
This time, the kiss is much deeper, our lips moving against each other, building up a steady rhythm. I sigh into the kiss as her hand snakes around my waist and gently pulls me impossibly closer. I can safely say this is the best kiss I've ever had, the butterflies in my stomach are having a party.
We finally pull away from each other, breathless and giddy. I move my hand to smooth out her hair, which has gotten rather messy and ask "Do you want to come back to my place?" She looks at me with nervous eyes, so I quickly add "I'm not suggesting anything, I've drank to much to drive and I don't want to send you in a taxi on your own." She visibly relaxes and nods her head in response, so I take her hand and lead her outside to a taxi.

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