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"Fuck shit olivia you are feeling so fucking good" harry said moaning bending olivia on the his desk thrusting into her "Yes sir, right there" olivia moaned, harry pulled her hair harshly, lightly rubbed and slap on down there, harry held her from the hips as he thrust faster and faster into her "You are such a whore" harry said as he moaned loudly cuming... Harry's phone started to ring instently "Get the fuck up" harry said to her as she got up, harry checked his phone which was on the desk , he removed the condom from his length "Zayn, for fuck sake" he said after seeing the caller id, "Sir you have a meeting in a hour" olivia said not even bothering to fix her dress sat in front of harry on a chair, Harry's phone kept on ringing "I will fuck you once again before that" harry said as she bend down licking the head of harrys dick looking in his eyes...


"Stop calling him zee, he won't pick it up" hope said rubbing circles on zayn's back "That fucker never going to change zee" gigi said sitting in front of him, "Gigi shut up, don't start now" namjoon said, looking at louis who cupped zayns face, zayn was just sitting on the bench motionless, "Why joon, that guy literally ruining his life for the last six years" gigi said, namjoon shook his head, "It's not the time gigi" this time kinn spoke "Read the room please, you are seeing him right, just don't" kinn said again "Yeah right, read the room, this is beyond reading a room, can you here me zayn he is fucking her while you are killing yourself" gigi yelled, grabbing his face making him look at her, zayn got up immediately and ran towards the bathroom"ZEE" everyone yelled and ran after him "I told you gigi, why don't you listen" kinn said "No kinn, he needs to understand, you seen those cuts kinny" gigi said as tear falling down her cheeks "Louis go inside, i think he is pucking" hope said patting louis back, louis nod and got inside the bathroom...

"Zayn" louis said, as he held zayn who is trembling exhausted after throwing up "Tell me why lou?? Why can't i be enough" Zayn asked weakly, his head spinning so fast "You are enough zayn, you are more then enough" louis said ruffling his hair, as zayn put his head on his shoulder "Then why he keep doing this??" zayn asked louis sighed, as he felt like crying, if he could kill someone, he would definitely kill harry right now "I am feeling so numb lou" zayn said with a really weak voice "ZAYN?? ZAYN" louis screamed as he felt zayn's weight completely onto him as zayn fell unconscious "What happened??" Namjoon and hope ran inside as he heard his screams "We need to get him to the medical, he fainted" louis said as namjoon helped him to pick zayn up..

"I don't understand what he sees in him" gigi said standing next to bed in the medical room "He loves him gigi" kinn replied looking at zayn leaning on the wall "How can you love someone, when they cheat on you everyday and you know it very well, but you still choose to be with that person??? I don't understand him at all kinn" gigi said "Nobody knows beside the person who actually is in the situation" namjoon spoke as he came and stand beside kinn "Hyung??" Someone said with a worried tone "Taehyunga, why are you here??" Namjoon said going towards him "I heard people, what happened??" He asked looking at him nervously "He fainted" hope said sitting next to zayn patting onto louis shoulder, who is holding zayn's hand "Why did he faint???" yoongi asked from behind tae "His usual routine, crying over that trashy thing" gigi scoffed, yoongi groaned frustrated..

"That's liam one of their butlers, actually he is the main one" tae wishpered to them "Zayn??" liam called in a very soft tone "He is good??" Louis asked "Yes, he is" tae replied "I was informed about his situation, can anyone elaborate please?" Liam asked looking at them very politely "Yes, he threw up and then fainted" louis answered "And why that happened?? Where is the doctor??" Liam asked, looking around "This is the cost loving a trashy basterd" gigi said looking at zayn "I beg your pardon miss?" Liam said, gigi looked at him "Harry, your boss" gigi said folding her arms, liam nodded his head, "Zayn??" liam sat beside zayn on the bed, caress his head "Can you hear me bambi??" Liam said, everyone looked at each other's face for a moment, zayn didn't respond, liam took out him phone and typed something "Are you Liam Payne??" A nurse asked "Yes I am, why you or any other nurse's weren't here, given the patient is still unconscious" liam asked, the nurse gulped "I am sorry sir" she bowed down and apologize "Why isn't he wake already??" Liam asked again "He should've, he had a panic attack we gave him medicine" the nurse said, liam narrowed his eyes, sighed after looking at zayn..


"Yeah just like that" harry moaned as he is given a blowjob "SIR" suddenly the door swing opened "What porsche??" Harry asked, was really annoyed but didn't let olivia stop, porsche wanted to cuss him so bad, he took a deep breath "Sir liam called me, as you told him not to disturb but it is urgent I think" Porsche added the i think on purpose "And ~ oh yes~ what is the urgent thing??" Harry asked "It's bambi, he fainted at the college, he still didn't gained his consciousness" Porsche said, harry shoved her away from him, fixing his pants "What??" He asked breathlessly "Yes sir, he is unconscious for close to an hour now, should liam take him to a hospital instead of a college medical room??" Porsche asked "YESS...." harry shouted grabbing his coat and phone "Where are you going sir??" Porsche asked looking at him "To Zayn" harry answered "But sir you have a meeting and we didn't even finish" olivia whined "Do you wanna die??" Harry said through his gritted teeth, olivia immediately shook her head and took some steps backwards "I will get your car ready" porsche said taking his leave harry also ran behind him...


"His pet is sick, he won't be coming" jungkook informed everyone "Pet as in zayn?? He is still fucking him god" niall said rolling his eyes "Unfortunately yes, and nobody knows why" jungkook said again "Then what about the bloody assistant??" Jin asked "He is also fucking her" ren answered yawning "That's more like my brother" Niall said making all of them laugh "Why do we have this meeting, like move in who is stopping you, we spent majority of the time with eachother anyways" ren said laying his head on the table "You got a hangover there buddy??" Jungkook asked patting his brother's head "Well it's our respected father who wanted us settlement on this matter in the presence of his lawyers" jin said in a mocking tone "Respected??? Good joke" mj said also rubbing his tample "See children these days, yeon hyung always drinking alcohol" jin tsk shaking his head "Aren't we all supposed to sign some shit, when harry will come back then" niall said "He won't, until zayn going to completely fine he won't come back" yeon said looking at jin, jin raised his brows amused "Porsche here he is" jungkook said looking at porsche who just came inside the room "Sit sit" jungkook patted the chair next to him, porsche bowed and sat "So how is the boy" Yeon asked "Liam called before, he not really well right now, he had a panic attack and now lacking oxygen in his brain, harry sir has go because he is his guardian" porsche said rubbing his tample "His guardian??" Mj asked "Yes his name is Zayn Harry Styles, you didn't knew that??" Ren asked, "I never took it seriously" mj said "I told you hyung the day he took that boy home, he will be gone" jin said drinking his whiskey "At least he is not fucking up any deals or any insiders, so we don't have to stress yet" Yeon said as he cheers to jin...


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