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𝙼𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚊𝚐𝚎 𝙾𝚏 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙳𝚊𝚢

[Sometimes the worst place you can be, is in your head
Step out of it] 🌋

The sound of rain hitting against the umbrella, solaced Amarina each step she traveled down the farmer's market. It was quite lively for a rainy Sunday morning; An-all woman's jazz band pleasured the ears of the local townsfolk, earning droplets of cash within their saxophone case. Children giggling amongst themselves as they danced in the rain, grandmas and grandpas whopping the young adults in spades, mothers gossiping as they indulged in free wine Sunday.

Amarina's soul smiled witnessing such sonder energy radiate the atmosphere. Mommy would have loved this. Her right hand withholding the umbrella tightened the millisecond her vision became blurry. A whimper, desperate to leave her mouth as she chewed on her bottom lip. She felt her mother's presence through the rain, the smiles of the locals, the music, the flowers, the smell of warm soup wafting from a cafe.

With every cell in my body, I miss and love you so much she breathed. ᥫ᭡

Amarina lost her mom to Domestic Violence sixth months ago. Her own heart, blood, soul was snatched that day by a barbaric man who vowed to protect his one and true love. Before Amarina's mother passed, she would never allow herself to bask in gods present creation. Consecutively nose deep within studying, under her mom, or rotting in her queen size bed watching Abbott Elementary.

Until today, A woman pastor; Sarah James Robert guided Rina's spirit towards reclamation. Which is how she found herself aimlessly strolling the farmers market with profound gratitude.

"Sweetie? S-sweetie you okay out here?!" An older woman holding a basket of ripe avocados called out to Amarina. Debra's heart clenched observing the young girl who was crying in anguish.

"I-I'm sorry, this place I-it just makes me miss my mom" She sniffled, taking deep breaths in between her words as her brown eyes let go of more water. God this felt awful

"OH baby" Debra sighed setting the basket on the wet sidewalk, as she moved towards Rina. "I believe you could use a hug" she smiled, wrapping her arms tightly around Amarina's torso as they rocked from side to side.

"I know we may not be familiar with each other, but if you'd like I love to converse and get some food in our bellies?!" Debra smiled even wider watching Rina's eyebrow raise in confusion.

"Are you s-sure? I'dratherwanderaimlesslywitha

"Sweetie, sometimes when our minds undergo cognitive dissonance it tends to be a force to be reckoned with. Manipulating your thoughts into believing it is your only friend. Sometimes the worst place you can be is inside of it. Step out and speak to me."

"Holy, Hilary Clinton" Rina Breathed, greedily observing Debra's Vegan Cafe as she set the umbrella in a nearby cubby. When Mrs. Debra offered Rina a finger-licking lunch and words of wisdom, of course, "yes" flew out of her mouth without intention. But a Greenhouse formulated into a cafe?! I do not even think Michelle Obama would have crafted such artistry.

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