Little: Husk Cg: Angel and Charlie

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Little; Husk

Caregiver(s): Angel and charlie

Pet names: Kitty, sweetie

Plot: Husk overworked himself and regressed because of it, and Angel took care of him after that. Charlie in this story can be a side character who will help Angel as needed and try to cuddle with little Husk. (I also have a fanon that Husk purrs when he is brushed)


POV; Angel

I sit at the bar, as husk works away cleaning glass after glass. I look at my phone, it's around 2;43. I look at husk and yawn, now feeling tired. "Well, kitty~ i'm going to bed~ don't be afraid to join mee~" i say, flirting with him. He just rolls his eyes and continues to work. I get up, walking to my room. I get into bed, fat nuggets joining me laying on my chest.

Next day

I wake up around 6 in the morning, I walk into the mine part of the hotel, I see husk cleaning the bar. It looks like he hasn't slept. "Morin' Kitty~" I say, sitting at the bar when my phone goes off, it's valentino. I ignore his call, going back to husk, but husk just ignores me.

(time skip bc im lazy. The next few days are like this.

I lay in bed, after a few days after that "husk has been ignoring everyone besides Alastor. I'm worried" i think getting up, I walk out of my room, shutting the door behind me. I walk to Charlie's room, kocking. She answers the door. "Hey Charlie, has Husky talked to you? At all this week I say, giving her a worried look. "I mean not really, but no he hasn't" Charlie says, thinking. "Well i'm going to talk to him, thanks Char '' i mumble walking away, waving. I walk to husks room, kocking, he opens the door. "What" Husk mumbles half awake.

"Kitty, is there something wrong? Did I make you mad? Is something wrong?" I say, looking at his tired eyes with worries. He just looks back, letting me in. I walked in after him. He shuts the door, and then gets into the bed. His room is basic but cozy. "Kitty, you okay?" I say, sitting on the bed as he faces the wall. I place my hand on his shoulder, he just rolls over, and sits up, clinging to my arm, with tears in his eyes. "Kitty? You okay?" i say, as he tries to move close but he's as close as possible. I begin to think but then it clicks, age regression. I smile at him. I pick him up, sitting him on my lap he leans against my fluffy chest and smiles. I run my fingers through his not brushed fur. "Kitty? Are you a little? I ask, feeling a tiny nod for the winged cat.

POV Husk

I'm leaning against angel not caring if he sees me as weak after this. I need someone to care for me. I begin to make small biscuits on his shirt, I begin to gently pur as he pets me. I lean closer. "Kitty? Do you have a pacifier? Angel asked, I do but I have no idea where it when. I nod yes "where is it?" I look at him, I just shake my head. "Where was the last place you had it?

"Kichwn" *I mumbled into his chest. "Kitchen?" Angel asked as I nod yes. He takes his phone, calling them and telling them to come to my room. A little bit I hear a knock on the door, i dont move. "Charlie come in'' Angel says, petting me, making me pur even more.

She walks in and sits on the bed next to us. "Charlie, can you wake Kitty while I go find his pacifier?" Ange asks, moving my arms around from him to get up, placing me into Charlie's lap, her gentle hands begin to pet me, "Okay, see you when you get back" she says, as angel leaves. She's looking around and she finds a brush on my bedside table, she begins to gently brush fur making me, pur more she smiles. "Better sweetie?" She says, putting the brush away on my table.

I nod, enjoying the attention for them both, I hear the door open and angel walking in. He holds my light red paci, he walks over joining us on my bed, I climb out of Charlie's la and climb into his, taking the paci into my mouth. I feel Charlie move closer leaning on my angel shoulder, he pats her head. Kissing mine, is mile laying against his fluff as i begin to make biscuits on his again, i begin to feel sleepy leaning against him. "Sleep Kitty" Angel says kissing the top of my head as i fall asleep

The End

Words: 800 (newww rocoreddd)

I hope you like iit!^^

Hazbin Hotel agere oneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora