Back in New Orleans

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Davina woke up hot and sweating, while feeling cold and shivering. She only woke up with this familiar feeling of fear, when the witches used magic. But this magic was different.

Where the witches of New Orleans made her feel dark and depressed, this magic made her feel protected. This only meant one thing.

She sat up in her bed, smiling lovingly at the man next to her. The man who she fell in love with when she was 16. She still looks 16, thanks to her magic. Kol Mikaelson.

She gripped his shoulders and shook him until he woke up. Before he could even ask if she's okay she was already out of bed. "Come on!, she whispered. "We gotta wake the rest of your family. I've got good news." When Kol just rolled over, she slapped him over his head. "Go wake them up and meet me downstairs." With that, she left the room.

Kol got up, cursing under his breath. After 20 minutes of arguing and threatening his sibling, they finally went downstairs. There's where Davina stands, still in her pjs.

Davina stands in the center of the room, a big bowl of water in her hands. "Okay", she started explaining why their down here. "I think it's Hope."

Haley is the first one to react."Well are you gonna find her or not?", she rushed the younger witch. She couldn't wait to see her little baby girl.

Before the witch could utter another word Klaus had already bitten his wrist. Davina showed him to let a few drops of blood in the water.

The siblings were confused. They thought Davina was going to perform a locating spell. What they didn't was that she was going to do so much better. She was gonna show them Hope casting the spell that woke Davina up.

While chanting she swirled the water with her hands, mixing the blood and water. When she was done chanting the pink water shimmered creating a blurry image. After a moment, the image was in perfect definition.

Klaus leaned forward, excited to see his daughter. In his opinion, she was the most beautiful thing he's ever seen.

She had dark her, she probably got that from Haley, with baby blue eyes. What amazed him about her eyes was the twinkle of mischief in it.

They watched as she rose from the floor, irritation written over her face. It was the same expression Rebekah has when she's cursing someone for leaving her behind.

She stood up and left the house. When she was outside, all of them heard a roar full of pain trough the water, shaking it slightly. Everyone jumped back from the surprise from the intensity of the roar.

Klaus saw his daughter's panicked face. He watched with amusement and shock as she ran with Original speed. He saw the awed expression as she ran towards her school. He laughed along with the rest of his siblings when they saw that she was barefoot. Klaus watched in awe as his daughter stopped and tilted her head, listening to the sounds around her. She looked up, and ran supernatural speed up the stairs. That awe turned to horror when she stopped. She stood in front of her friends, who were withering on the ground from pain. She turned, giving them a full view on whats attacking them.

"Berserker", Klaus growls, angrily. What the hell were Berserkers doing in Beacon Hills?

He looked back to the bowl of water. He watched proudly as his daughter, standing protectively in front of the teens. He didn't miss how Hope's eyes lingered on the dark haired boy in the middle. She raised her arm and shouted towards the Berserkers. He was enchanted in the change he saw in Hope when she shouted. Her blue eyes turned silver with gold streaks in the pupils. Marks appeared on the right side of her face, veins traveled from her eyes over her cheeks. She made the Berserkers stagger back. She dropped the spell when she saw the blood on her finger.

All the females cooed when she embraced the dark haired boy. While all the girls cooed, all the guys growled protectively. They saw her look to the side, and gasp. They we're looking at a guy no older than 25 looking at them, with glowing golden eyes.

The eyes of a werewolf.

"Well, luvs, looks like we're going to Beacon Hills."

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