"Martin?No? Mikaelson? Yes! Oh, I sound old."

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"Are we done here?", was asked by Scott. He was irritated, furious, but most of all worried. When he heard Lydia and Hope had been take by the Calavaras. His heart broke, more so for Hope than Lydia.

Over the summer he found himself thinking more and more about the blue eyed brunette. Her smile, her laugh, the mischievous twinkle in her baby blue eyes. He was developing feelings for the younger girl.

Araya shook her head, throwing him a shirt. "There's one more thing I have to show you." She looks around the room, her eyes meeting all of the teens eyes."All of you, follow me." She walked out the room, the others following her.

After what seems like hours they came to a stop. In front of them was one red. Araya gestured for them to go inside. In the room they found Malia and Stiles. They greeted each other, happy to see that they're alive.

The door slammed shut behind them, making a locking sound. That's when they saw the window. It viewed an interrogation room, like on the crime shows. Who they saw inside made them gasp in fear.

Hope was tied to a chair by her wrist. On the table in front of her were her family heirlooms. The only thing shes got to go on to find her biological family.

Araya entered the room and cuts Hope ropes loose. She sits down , looking directly in into Hopes eyes."Do you know what these are?", she gestures to the heirloom.

Hope looks directly into her eyes and answered honestly,"I , actually have no idea what that is." None of the supernatural in the other could detect a blip in her heartbeat. "But I have a suspicion that you do."

"Correct, prinsessa, I do,"she picks up the bracelet. "The white and blue stones are moon stones and lapis lazuli. Do you know the lore of these stone?"

"The moon stone was told to help shifters and the lapis lazuli was to keep vampires from burning."

Araya puts the bracelet down, seemingly impressed by Hopes' knowledge. She picks up her necklace. She holds it in her hands, examining it. "This is was fascinates me. Do you know what stone it is, what the engraving means ?". Hope shake her head again. "No ? Well, it's a witch stone, meaning that only witches can carry it. If you weren't a witch, it would kill you. The engraving means you're protected against the dark arts."

Araya looked eye and said,"It's a pleasure to finally meet you Hope Mikaelson."

A panicked Hope stood up, kicking her chair back and breaking her bonds."No ! I'm not a witch , werewolf or a vampire!", she shouted.

Araya just looked at her and simply asked," Are you sure?".
She nodded her head towards the mirror. The very mirror that the rest of the McCall pack was standing behind, watching the interrogation. What they saw made them all suck their breaths. Instead of seeing Hopes face they saw something that scared them.

She had dark veins traveling from her eyes to her cheeks, looking like a spiders web. Instead of her baby blue eyes, they saw eyes the exact same color as the stone on the necklace with a flash of gold in the center. On the side of her right eye was a set of black swirls, trailing towards the ends of her mouth. Even like this Scott couldn't help but think she was beautiful. She was enchanting in a dark and sinister way.


I was now sitting in the backseat of Stiles beat up Jeep. I was sitting in the middle of Lydia and Kira. Malia was sitting in the passenger seat, next to Stiles. After fixing his Jeep, and Malia running after something that nobody could see, we were finally on our way to to the Church. It was awkward I'm the car.

I was reading the grimoire Araya gave me after the interrogation. I'll admit being a witch is behond cool. Vampire , not so much. I want the speed and strength with heightened senses, but not the bloodlust.

The grimoire Araya gave me was interesting. She told me what my accessories means. Like the moon stone kept my bloodlust and anger intact. The lapis lazuli keeps me from killing people. She told me that if I take an innocent life my wolf and vampire side will be unlocked. The witches stone kept me from practicing black magic.

She also said that if I wanted to learn about my parents I'll find it in the grimoire. She said that my big and tacky ring is my family crest. Apparently my parents are really old. Like a thousand years old.

"So..", Stiles cleared his throat awkwardly. "You're adopted ?"

I looked up at him trough the mirror. "Yes, Stiles I'm adopted. Lydia and I were researching them this summer, but came up with nothing."

Stiles looked at me and asked," Why didn't you tell me? I could've helped you." He actually sounded hurt.

"Stiles, it's not like I wanted not to tell you. You we're busy with Malia and she needed your help more than I did." It's true and he knows it.




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