Failed escape

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Alex's pov:

I carried her to the washroom and cleaned her .made her wear my shirt which was hanging to her thighs .
Oh devil! Her hair almost cover more than half of her body. I lay her on the bed and again guess what..half of the bed is covered with her hair . I like her hair but now i am frustrated with them .
I called linda to manage her hair and instructed her to make food for her.
And left for office as i delayed  meetings
and mike wants a day off. Yes..that fucker rarely come to office and now that he attended meetings in my absence ..he is throwing tantrums that he will come to office only when i let her meet my aurora .

I asked my assitant to bring my schedule and start working on my projects . After finishing my last meeting , i look outside the glass window and it's already dark outside . Finally ,i will go home and see her .i don't know what's happening to me . I make my way to the lift and my phone rang .

Hellooo..handsome ,mike mimicked shinchan's voice .

"What do you want ? " i asked
" well know brother ...i am outside the office waiting for you so that we both can go to your mansion and meet my sister-in -law . " mike said in nervous tone.
" fuck off and go home..your mom must be waiting for you ." I said frustrated
" No please ...i wanna meet aurora ..plea"
" did you just call her Aurora ? ...listen fucker ..u have no right to call her by this name ..she is mine and i claim everything that belongs to her ." I growled not knowing what triggered me .
" promise bro ..i won't call her by that name come down ..i am waiting for you ." Mike sighed .

" hmm ....look at your left ..fucker ." I smirked looking at him .

" Holy shit ...are you devil? scared the shit out of me ? You grim reaper ..asshole..oh my poor heart " mike said dramatically.

I stared at him and that was enough for him to realise that i am not in mood of wasting time on his shits . So he start the engine and we left to my mansion.

Shranya's pov:
"Mam , please wake up's time for your lunch ."
I am hearing a female voice in my dream .it is distant like someone is shaking me .
" mam..please wake up have to eat something otherwise sir will kill me . "
I hear it again and this time the word "sir" triggered some memories and i remember that monster and his wrongdoings .
" Aaaaaah no please...i don't want to do it ...please alex ...alex" i feel someone hugging me .
" it's fine are safe's all good ..relax ..mam."the female voice said and now i am crying vigrously in holding her .
" why is he so cruel to me ? Why is he treating me like this ? I wanna go home ." I ask looking at her face .
" relax ...don't cry ..sweetie..look you have to eat then u can ask me anything ." She said with sad eyes .
" please help me ..i wanna go home .my parents must be waiting for me .please ..please help me " . I beg her
" no please ..stop it ...i can't help you ..sir will kill me ..please eat your lunch " she said holding my shoulder .
" okay ...he won't do anything to you ..i will eat it ..and i won't bother you anymore ..btw what's your name sister ." I asked her with sad smile .
" me when you need anything " she smiled genuinely this time .
" okay ..linda the way i am sharanya and u can call me anya." I said as she was leaving .
She stop at the door and said without turning ," Anya ..please don't provoke sir  anyhow ..or you will see the real beast that he really is . "
Her warning or advise whatever it is ...shook  each cell in my body.

I need to think of something to get out of this hell. I look around to find some way to escape and a glass window came to my view .
" so you are gonna be my saviour .thankyou god for helping me ."
  But thought of getting find by him scares the hell out of me .
Shrugging all these thoughts , i made my way towards the glass window and hit it with coffee table but it didn't work . After many attempts i succeed in breaking the window . I tied bedsheet to the part of window and stare the ground .

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