Chapter 6: A New Journey Begins - Part II

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Chapter 6: A New Journey Begins - Part II

September 9th 2021, 9:46 AM - United States of America, Kanto, New York - Union City, Indigo Academy Campus

The bright and warm autumn sun was rising up in the horizon, and with the wild Dodrio and the flying type Pokémon waking everyone in New York up, in order to get up and start the brand new day with the right foot, another brand new day had finally arrived, we see that people and their Pokémon have already started flocking the streets of New York, either going to work or trainers who came from a different country and region continuing their dream to become a regional champion and hopefully challenge the Pokémon Champions League, which would secure them a spot at the Pokémon World Championship tournament, where only the top trainers battle with each other in order to be crowned the new World Champion or as is otherwise known by the people as the 'Monarch', and which is held annually in a different country

Now, many trainers have taken their shot at challenging the Pokémon Champions League and the current World Champion or 'Monarch', Dermont Gates, but so few have actually managed to beat the trainers that came before him, and mind you, these trainers aren't your average daily life trainers that you see, meet and cross your path with everyday, no, these are elite trainer material, people who along with their Pokémon have trained day in and day out, in order so they could one day become the trainer's that they are today and who actually are deserving of being where they are currently, and it's also the dream of many young and aspiring trainers

Speaking of young and aspiring trainers, the place where they go to learn everything that is there to know about Pokémon, is the famed and famous 'Indigo Academy', who by the way, ranks in the top 10 of the Pokémon Academies in the world, ranking just 4th, after the Kanto Institute of Pokémon, the Striaton College and the Galar University and leaving behind the Naranja Academy, Kalos Academy of Pokémon, Uva Academy, Sinnoh Institute, Johto Academy and Blueberry Academy, now these top 10 schools or academies, call them whatever you want, are also known as 'Ivy League' schools and academies, a collegiate comprised of research and learning institutions, not just in America, but the whole wide world, and also comprised of colleges, universities and academies who have their own sports teams and have their own sports leagues, is considered to be one of the most elite and favored academy in order for the new trainers to go and learn everything that there is about Pokémon and their behaviour

Today, is also the day of the second part of the 'Pokémon Trainer Test' or otherwise known as the 'Trainer Test', in which young trainers who have potential in Pokémon battles and also want to explore the world, by taking a journey and challenging the Pokémon Leagues, ultimately challenging the Masters League and then go to the Champions League, take this test, in which as we said before, gives you a chance to challenge the top trainers of the world, or otherwise known as the Pokémon World Championship, where if a trainer defeats all the trainers, with the current World Champion included here, he or she can be crowned the new World Champion, and thus be one step away of the famed and mythical Pokémon Master title

We now head inside the campus of 'The Academy', and see that many students are hanging out outside before the next part of the test can begin, we see that while they're waiting students are having fun with one another, who are just chatting and 'killing time' until the second part of the test can begin, where the professors, together with their assistants, will oversee them and 'challenge' them to a 1v1 battle, in order to test their endurance during a Pokémon battle, their competitive side, their cooperation with their Pokémon, their rhythm during a Pokémon battle and most of all their bond with their Pokémon, we now go and head towards the dorm building, and go to the second floor of the buildings, where the student rooms are located on either side of the building, we head down the hallway of the dorm building, and face a particular, we open it and see that the room's occupants are already awake, eating their breakfast and making some small talk before they head to their classmates

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