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Sup. I actually had inspiration and I have no clue how honestly. (I'm sorry bout May but she dead.)

Peter woke up in a bad mood. The night before sucked. Peter got freaking shot. And if you think that's bad, Peter's identity is at risk. The Avengers are trying to get it, something about not trusting him. Peter was nervous. Luckily it was the weekend, so he didn't have school. But he did have a field trip. To the Avengers compound.

Peter was severely regretting telling the orphanage owner about the trip. Cause now he had to go to the compound and try not to reveal himself. Peter and Ned were talking during the bus ride, mostly about logo's till Ned brought up the trip. "So, what are you going to do about you-know-what?" Ned asked and Peter shrugged. "Unless Parker Luck strikes, I'm gonna stay back and hide." Peter responded.

"You're gonna hide from 3 Assassins, a God, Iron Man, Captain America, the Hulk, and a witch?"

"You have a better idea Ned?" Ned didn't respond. Obviously he didn't. "Hiding is the only thing I can do, incase you haven't noticed, I suck at keeping my identity secret." Peter complained and Ned nodded. "No offense man, but you really do." Ned Said and Peter leaned back in his chair groaning. Ned patted Peter in the shoulder.

The drive wad a very anxious one. Peter couldn't stop thinking about what might happen. The worst was his identity being revealed to them. He had no idea what they'd do if they figured it out. When they go to the compound Peter looked in awe. It was huge. Everyone got in line and Peter went to the back. Only Cindy, Abe, Flash, Peter, Ned, MJ, and Sally were able to come.

Peter wished Flash hadn't come honestly. He always made things more difficult than they needed to be. As they walked Peter made sure to stay in the back. Ned kept a hand on Peter's shoulder to hopefully calm him down. It didn't work to much. When the group of seven got inside. They were greeted by the Pepper Potts. Or Stark, either or.

"Welcome Midtown high decathlon team." Pepper said and a gave smile, she seemed pretty glad to see the kids. Peter looked around and smiled. It was pretty cool to be here. "If you will follow me, I will take you to meet the Avengers who are currently at the compound." Pepper continued and Peter cursed under his breath.

Of course they were gonna do that first. Pepper walked off and everyone followed, Peter heard talking as they walked. Everyone was excited. And if Peter wasn't so concerned about his identity, he'd be just as excited. When Pepper stopped, it was in front of a big door. About the size of Hulk, a little larger though.

Pepper pulled out cards. "There is eight of you here today correct?" She asked. "Yes Miss Potts." Mr Harrison responded to the question. Pepper nodded and called out h names from the cards, everyone grabbed there's. "These will let you into the rooms we will be going in. But once you leave they will not work again."

Peter heard Flash complain and he rolled his eyes. Pepper opened the door and there stood most of the Avengers, on some type of stage. "We will be starting with a Q&A then Miss Romanoff will take you all to the training room." Pepper said and Ned looked excited. Even MJ looked a little happy to be with Natasha.

Hands went up, Peter's stayed down. Peter listened blankly while questions were asked. He already knew the answers to all the questions. Well almost all of them.

"Is Spider-Man an Avenger?" Flash asked and Peter's head snapped up to the Avengers and to Flash. In his experience, he was more wanted than actually an Avenger. "No, he is not." Tony responded.

"How come?" It felt weird hearing his bully talk about him without even knowing he was listening. "We cannot be sure of his intentions." Steve ended up responding with. "Bullshìt." Peter whispered under his breath. He did not count on the winter soldier hearing him. Stupid super hearing.

"Did you say something kid?" He asked and Peter froze. Ned flashed Peter a look. "No sir." Peter responded and shut back up after he saw the looked Natasha was giving him. Peter had half a mind to run out, it was better than being watched by the Avenger.

"Do you have a question kid, you've been quiet." Clint asked and Peter was silent. Might as well ask, he wouldn't be able to as Spider-Man, since they won't listen. Maybe they'll listen to Peter Parker. "Have You ever considered that Spider-Man is just trying to make a difference." He asked, staring right at them.

"We don't know who he is, and until then we cannot be sure." Tony responded and Peter clenched his fist annoyed. "You all used to hide who you were." Peter protested. Ned shot him a look to stop and MJ was grinning, she pulled out her notebook. Flash looked funny staring at Peter the way he was, and the Avengers were also funny. "That's different kid." Steve said but Peter interrupted.

"No its not, you all chose to reveal yourself! You're trying to force him to reveal himself."

Everyone was silent but Peter wasn't done. "It's not my problem if you all don't have people to protect by hiding your identity!" Peter exclaimed, annoyed. "But news flash! I do!" Peter knew he'd revealed himself. But he didn't care. He wanted them to understand. "My?" Steve asked and Peter rolled his eyes.

"I'm Spider-Man, happy?" Peter snapped back. He felt someone grasp his hand and looked over, MJ had grabbed his hand. "If you were just protecting people, then why were you running?" Clint asked, just when Peter thought they couldn't get dumber. "You were chasing me, of course I ran." Peter crossed his arms.

"Maybe next time don't be close minded, just cause I have powers don't mean I'm an enemy." Peter continued. "If you want to ask questions, go ahead." Peter said to both the Avengers and his classmates, as they were staring at him mouths wide.

They went on asking questions. Peter wasn't to happy with the Avengers but they did end up apologizing. Peter ended up forgiving them. A couple months later Spider-Man became a half time Avenger. School still came first for Peter Parker.

My inspiration was gone then it came. I straight up just went to a mall the first time and now I can't stop freaking smiling. My friends are awesome, just like you all for sticking with me on my writing journey.


Word Count: 1137

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