Peter Has An Existential Crisis

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(I GOT A POCKET WATCH!) Got this idea from my sister, just changed it up my own way. Hope Y’all enjoy thus one. It will be cute.

Peter was bored. He'd went on patrol, it was slow. And absolutely nothing was going on. Peter was swinging around Queens for something to do. He landed in the alleyways his bag was in and changed into his normal clothes, thinking back to the recent events. May was in the hospital, he was stating with Tony.

Peter turned around and jumped back. There was a puppy sitting in the alleyway, not moving. It's eyes fixed on Peter. The pup tilted its head with its tongue out.

Peter hesitantly walked over to the pup. He put his hand out for the pup to sniff. The pup did before jumping into Peter arms. Peter caught the pup in shock. It started to lick Peter in the face and he laughed, falling back. Peter used his strength and picked the pup off of his chest, lifting it in the air. "Now where did you come from?" Peter asked, talking to himself. Peter sat up and placed the pup infront of him.

Peter figured out the dog was a girl, but she had no tag. Peter pet her in the head, smiling. He'd forgotten about what he'd been thinking about before. The pup moved and sat between Peter's legs. Looking the boy in the eyes. Peter pet her behind the ear, smiling. Peter checked the time and sighed. It was about time he needed to get back to the tower.

Peter stood up and went to walk off when he felt a tug on his pant leg, he turned around the the pup was pulling on his pant leg. Peter stopped and sat back down. The pup came to his front and jumped into his lap again, curling up. Peter had half a mind to bring the pup with but didn't know how Tony'd react. It was obvious the pup wouldn't let him leave so he made up his mind. If anything, he'd deal with the consequences if there was any.

Peter picked up the pup and stood. The pup picked her head up and looked around before stretching her neck and licking Peter in the chin, Peter laughed and pet her back. "You okay with coming back to the tower with me?" He knew she couldn't answer but he knew she could hear him. She kept where she was, looking happy. Peter took this as a yes.

By the time he made it to the tower, the pup had fallen asleep. Peter walked in and went straight to the elevator. "Welcome back Peter, may I ask what you are holding?" Friday said and Peter smiled. "A pup I found, she wouldn't let me leave." Peter explained. "Alrighty." The elevator went up and Peter walked into the penthouse. He put the pup softly on the couch and sat down, falling asleep quickly. And completely on accident.

When Peter woke up, Tony was standing in front of him, visibly confused. "Where the heck did you get a dog?" Tony asked and Peter yawned, sitting up. He looked and saw the pup from the night before had moved onto his lap again during the night. "I um.. I found her after patrol." Peter said. "Sorry." Tony shrugged. "I don't see why your apologizing. I was thinking of getting you a dog anyways so." He said and Peter stared.

"Your okay with it?!" Tony nodded. "You name her yet?" Peter shook his head. HD fallen asleep so he hadn't yet. Peter pet the pup's head and she woke up. Looking up to Peter than licking him in the face, Peter broke out laughing again and pushed the pup away a bit. Tony smiled. It was good to see Peter happy. "What about Star?" Peter asked and Tony pet the pup. She barked playfully.

"I think it's great. We can go shopping for stuff tomorrow." Tony said and Peter, making sure to move Star, jumped up and hugged him. "Thank you!" He exclaimed. Tony hugged him back. "No problem kiddo." They sat there in silence before they were interrupted by a loud bark. They both broke out laughing.

I know this is short. Sorry I keep making short ones... though I did like making this and I kept cooing at the adorableness of this. I love dogs, just saying.


Word Count: 743 (Shortttt!)

Peter Parker/Spider-Man One-Shotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें