meeting zordon and the ship

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Here it is guys

()=Thoughts and forms
{}=Language translated to English
~=flirtatious and seduce

T/L/VC/a/n=timeskip location voice change and a/n



We see Lincoln walking towards the coordinates of the location he was given as he arrives he saw a bunker door as he opens it as he went inside as he saw this:

We see Lincoln walking towards the coordinates of the location he was given as he arrives he saw a bunker door as he opens it as he went inside as he saw this:

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(Imagine this place is in ruins)

Lincoln:damn this place is messed up.

As Lincoln walks around until he stops at a door as he went through it as he saw a big tube with blue water in it.

Lincoln: looks like its dark *morphine watch glows as a flashlight comes out of it* thank you watch.

As Lincoln was looking around for a power switch as he found one as he flipped it as the blue tube glows as a face appears as this was:

As Lincoln was looking around for a power switch as he found one as he flipped it as the blue tube glows as a face appears as this was:

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Zordon: hello there Lincoln Loud I am zordon, a ancient being who help rangers or choose the next group.

Lincoln:oh so that what Billy means by ill be meeting someone.

Zordon:so I see you meet Billy *sees the Omnitrix* so I see you have the omnitrix.

Lincoln:the omnitrix?

Zordon:the watch on your left.

Lincoln:ahhh so that's what it called and can you explain to me what is the Omnitrix.

Zordon:the omnitrix is a device that allows you to transform into aliens.

Lincoln:so who created this Omnitrix.

Zordon:why my good old friend azmuth

Lincoln:so he created for what reason.

Zordon:Azmuth created the Omnitrix with the intention of providing the various species of the universe with a better understanding of each other,as a tool of peace in an act of repentance following the destruction caused by his previous creation, Ascalon, a weapon of terrible power.

the welder of the omnitrix and the Morpher: Lincoln LoudWhere stories live. Discover now