2.15. You're Up

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He's scored three by himself... in less time than it took all of us to score two goals. Isagi swallowed hard. "Shit."

He'd thought they prepared well enough, but nothing they did seemed to work. Using Hiori to pass the ball away from him didn't work. Trying to break through on the opposite side to him didn't work.

Bluelock would always run headfirst into that Iron Wall, and the ball would return right to Y/N. What even was that goal? He didn't even look happy. He's destroying everything... and he isn't even fully fired up yet?

And Sae's been feeding him perfect passes the entire time! And the U-20 forwards are beginning to get their act together. And we still can't break through their Iron Wall, and when Y/N plays better, we'll lose even faster.

The stadium rang with cheers, names being yelled, but it wasn't for Bluelock like it had been in the first half. With such a fast comeback, the crowds were fully in favour of the U-20 team. Their voices rang out, cheering on Sae, cheering on Y/N.

He ran towards Ego Jinpachi.

Anri was already talking with him, hugging a clipboard to her chest. Ego didn't seem bothered, leaning back in his chair. "Ego, how are we going to fix this?! Y/N is playing out of his mind, and with Sae's support, he's virtually unstoppable!"


"We need to do something to restabilise! Tell them how to counter, I know you've got a hundred different tactics to beat the U-20, Y/N or not!" Anri was in a full blown panic. "Please, Ego! We can substitute whoever you want?"

"...I've got nothing." Ego rubbed at his temple. "Not right now, at least."

"Maybe Kuroi then?" Anri asked. "He'll know, he knows Y/N really well!"

"Kuroi..." Ego sighed.

"What about him? He gave us Y/N's weaknesses, he'll know good counters too!"

"Kuroi's betrayed us. He's not going to control Y/N to stop him. We have to figure it out by ourselves-"

That was all he managed to say, before Isagi was standing right in front of him, breathing heavily. His face tightened with anger.

For a few seconds, they just stared at each other. Isagi's face went through a whole set of different emotions, starting with confusion, but rapidly turning to disgust and anger. He opened his mouth like he wanted to shout, but closed it right after.

In the end, the teenager settled for a quiet, dangerous voice. "What the fuck did you just say? Kuroi'll control Y/N?"

"Yes." Exhaling softly, Ego shook his head to himself. "I struck a deal with him. Kuroi has some... influence over Y/N's playing, and I was going to use that to help us win. But he's betrayed us."

"And just because of that, you'll roll over and take it." Isagi stated. His eyes were on fire, burning with want, burning with hatred. He needed to win this game, and Ego's mistake could cost them. "Don't you care about losing?"

"You don't get it."

"I get it plenty well."

"Your careers don't end here. Sure, I'm going to be a laughing stock, but you'll be in capable hands. Kuroi will take you all in his new project, and you'll still be able to play for the U-20 team eventually." Ego shrugged. "You'll win in the end. Just give it time."

Isagi stilled. "The fuck?"


"Where's the ego you gave us?" Isagi snarled. "You think I want to go to Kuroi's project?! You think I want to be anywhere near that psychopath of a man?"

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