04 - lady's despair

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"My name is [Na]- I mean Elise." The blushing girl responded.

'Gosh, I'm clearly not [Name] anymore!'

"I, Rubelle Ambrose, am very thankful for your aid, miss Elise. I am indebted to you." She then took something from her purse. "I apologize, but I do not have anything more on my hand, so please take this ducat." Rubelle put a bigger golden coin in Elise's palm. The receiving girl widened her eyes.
"You don't have to! Besides, it was my friend's - Juliet's idea! She should be the one to receive something!"

The red head turned her gaze upon the blonde, who did not agree with her friend. "But after all, I didn't know what to do, Elise, you're the one who made the plan how to save lady Rubelle. I only persuaded you to help. I couldn't do it on my own."

"So your name is Juliet, correct? It is true that you also helped me. I will reward you as well." Rubelle took off her diamond earrings and granted it to Juliet. It does not suit the original villainess' personality that was described in the game, but it's nice.

"But I don't deserve-" Juliet tried to deny the gift. But the lady did not let her.

"Once again, I am very grateful for your bravery and kindness, dear miss Juliet and dear brave and intelligent miss Elise. I am still indepted to you and also, I would love to see your courage once more. May your luck be everlasting and may we meet again. Goodbye darlings."
Rubelle got up as a carriage stopped on the road. She gave her goodbyes and waved at the duo of friends.

. . .

[Name] felt conflicted, as Rubelle is nothing like she had expected. She seemed like a kind, distinguished lady. In the video game, she was portrayed as a very rude person to every single character. Ironic, isn't it? Nonetheless, Rubelle is the first mentioned character [Name] had met. Who knows how others will be? She still has to meet the male leads...does she even want to meet them though?

She played with her unusual long strands of hair. How long will they be hers? Although she had already accepted the fact that she is now a character from a video game, it is still weird to suddenly look different and getting called not by your own name.


That is her new name. Someone is probably calling her. That someone is no one else than Juliet, her only ¿friend?

The brunette turned to the blonde who had called her.
"Woah Elise, this is truly kooky! I can't believe we saved a noble lady and even got a gift from her! But I don't feel like I deserve it..." Juliet whined, looking at the diamond earrings in her hands. It also is dangerous to own that luxurious kind of a thing, since there is a fat chance she could get robbed.

Elise blinked a few times before saying something amongst the lines like:
"Noo, you deserve it!"
But Juliet did not agree. She wanted to give her friend the whole reward. It is true, that Elise did most of the work, but the blonde also helped. Maybe if it was not for Juliet, Rubelle would not be saved.

"I really don't deserve it, please take it!" Juliet insisted and insisted. It was like talking to a wall trying to tell her otherwise.

'A ¿friend?'

'What would a friend do?'

[Name] was lost in her own thoughts, then she suddenly got an idea!

"You know what? Since none of us wants to have the pair of the earrings, why don't we each get one? It's a compromise!" The brunette happily suggested. She looked at her friend expectedly. Juliet frowned but when she saw the determination on her friends eyes, she sighed and then agreed.

"Even without your memories, you're still same as ever, Elise." It was a peculiar perception being called same as ever when you are not the person. Well, now you are.

They split the earrings between them.

It could be a token of a new friendship.

So much has happened today, it is a lot for the first day after waking up in a new body after all.

Juliet told Elise that she had to go work in the inn for her night shift.
It was summer so there was a warm breeze and the light from the nearby houses shone around. It was not scary at all. The girls parted their ways after such a long day.
The full moon had already went up in the sky and gleamed amongst the shimmering thousands of stars.

When [Name] finally got back up to her cottage by her steep steps, she looked at the shining village in the night and proclaimed:

"This is my life now."

Unknowingly she was being followed by the mysterious cloaked man the whole time.

𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐎𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 || various x fem!readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora