Chapter 5

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"What are──what are you doing?" inquired a very distressed Maverick. Radhika's eyes were settled unnervingly and in a judgmental manner on him.

"You look...positively distressed."

"Shut up." dismissed Maverick immediately.

Radhika simply hummed in response. Radhika had noticed a while ago, after their morning run-through to the schedule. Maverick seemed distressed and irritated. Radhika didn't pay much heed but she had to when he dismissively rejected a proposal for the marketing project without actually even taking a look.

Maverick glanced up again from the file in his hands at Radhika, who sat across from him inside his office. He rolled his eyes when he noticed her stare still on him. She pressed the back of the pencil to her bottom lip, her eyes fixating on his twitching nose and furrowed lines creasing on his brows.

"Something happened. You were on your phone and then──"

"Then nothing." Maverick cut her off aggressively. "Mind your own business. Just because I act nicely with you and take you to a celebratory lunch and speak down to informal with you, doesn't mean you can pry. I am capable of handling business on my own. Who are you to judge my decisions? Huh? I'll do what I want, this is the company that I expanded. I worked day and night like a dog to get to where everything is. So don't judge me."

Radhika blinked her eyes stunned at the sudden explosion of his anger. "Geez, okay, I'll just at my desk." she rushed out of the room leaving Maverick at his desk suddenly feeling guilty at his outburst.

Outside in the long hallway, several employees stood peering at the door, attempting to catch a glimpse of some residual moments that might give them more information about their usually relaxed and laid back boss's angered voice booming around.

"Yeah...I wouldn't do that if I were you." said Radhika calmly. "He isn't the best of the mood man today." the people dispersed quickly, but not before throwing a second look toward the door to Maverick's office. Clearly no one was expecting Maverick to be in a bad mood. Maverick, according to Radhika had a tendency to be aloof and easy going, someone you would enjoy working with. Clearly tonight was a proof that everyone has a bad day once in a while. 

Radhika quickly went to her desk and began to work on her notes, a frown creasing her forehead. She kept glancing at the door every few minutes, awaiting for it to open and Maverick to storm out. Maybe this way he would apologize for his actions or even make up an excuse and start the day.

"Hello?" someone said. Radhika glanced upward and noticed another woman, dressed in a knee-length purple and white dress and a hair bun, standing by her desk. "I was told to ask you to find Maverick."

"Yes, my name is Radhika Deshmukh. I am Mr Bennett's personal assistant." she  stood up and offered the woman a warm welcoming smile.

"I don't think Mr Bennett is accepting any guests. His schedule for today is water tight and I am afraid he is not looking for any unexpected guests."

"This will be quick, actually. Would you please tell him that it is Heidi who wishes to see him?" the lady asked.

"And what should I say when he asks why is a woman named Heidi at his office uninvited?" asked Radhika. The woman in question looked at Radhika with a glare. Radhika didn't budge. She knew the tactic of intimidation with just eyes all too well to fall for it. The woman continued to stare at Radhika with an even more disturbing look. Both held a stand-off.

"I will type you in on his schedule. I am sure, I can squeeze you in on Thursday morning." replied Radhika.

The woman, who introduced herself as 'Heidi' chuckled, "honey, I am Heidi and I am telling you to tell Maverick that I am here." 

"And I am telling you, as his personal assistant who handles his daily timetables that he is busy today and cannot meet you. So please respect the man." Radhika's voice was still calm, composed and polite even if her words still cut deep through the woman's ego. 

"Fine, here, give him this..." She handed over an envelope to Radhika, "or do I need an invitation for this as well?"

"I would be happy to give him this envelope, have a nice day." Radhika took the envelope from the woman and smiled. She kept her eyes on the woman as she walked down the hallway toward the elevator purposefully swaying her hips side by side.

Radhika rolled her eyes and set the envelope down on the desk. She sat down on her chair and rested her back on the back of her chair. She opened her eyes and suddenly let out a shrill scream. She gasped for air, and covered her mouth with her hands.

"Shush!" said the man who scared her.

"Mr Bennett!" she gasped in alarm. "What are you doing?" Maverick Bennett was on his knees kneeling down behind her desk away from the sight of any passerby.

"Keep your voice down!" whisper-yelled Maverick. He peeked his head over the desk top and peered at the end of the hallway. "She is like a hellhound, and can smell and hear something from miles away."

Radhika furrowed her brows and her face scrunched awkwardly. "What?"

"Heidi, she is crazy." said Maverick sitting on his knees by Radhika's feet.

Radhika watched his small movements of squirming and impatiently glaring up from the desk top.

"Yeah, I don't think I want to work for you anymore." Radhika expressed her discomfort.

Maverick snapped his head toward her and raised a single brow and tilted his head to a side. He cleared his throat and stood back up on his feet.

Maverick scratched the back of his neck and shrugged, "She's just my ex from school. She is trying to rekindle something." He paused and then added, "the reunion is coming up and she somehow got hold of me. She is been trying to restart that relationship. That's all."

"So half a decade later, she wants to go out with you again?" Maverick nodded his head muttering incoherently.

"She's clingy." replied Maverick. "I had to kiss a guy to get rid of her." Radhika hooted at his response.

"A guy? Damn...I did see a creepy vibe but a guy kiss? And even then she is here giving you──" radhika picked up the envelope Heidi dropped off, "an invite to the reunion of Verstone batch of 2016."

Maverick slapped his forehead with a groan. "I forgot it was in a few weeks."

Radhika pressed her lips together in a thin line and nodded her head. She snapped her fingers and pointed it at him knowingly, "that's why you need a personal─personal assistant."

Maverick's face scrunched weird as guilt washed over him, "I am so sorry Rads about what I said and how I──"

"Okay now that you have calmed down and are distracted──" radhika picked up her diary, "I'll put the reunion on the schedule. Yale is in two days and the Nissan meeting is in two hours. Do you want me to order you coffee?"

Maverick kept staring at his assistant for a few moments before a smile spread over his face. "Let's go over the notes for Nissan and I'll show you my speech for Yale."

"Okay, so just between the two of us, who did you kiss? And why is it that even after that she isn't convinced and trying to rekindle the old flame? " asked Radhika curiously. Maverick froze in place, debating on the answer. He hung his head low but looked at her through his brows.

"I guess it's because the guy then went on a couple of dates with her then best friend." Radhika matched his embarrassed reaction. Clearly the plan Maverick thought of was flawed. "And uh...I──uh, I kis...kissed Ezekiel."

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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