~[ Should I? ]~ - Olice

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Art from @MOOD_1111O on X (Twitter)

Oliver's PoV:

Another day of school.

I walk with Zip at the hall way, have nothing to do while Zip throw a paper plane to Engel

It felt bored.. until.. my thought says "Hey? Why don't try to go to Alice's room again?, nothing's gonna happen.. right?"

I try to shake it off, i felt lucky to not get killed yesterday and yet, here it goes.. i try to hold my urge before Zip turn to me

"Hey Oliver? You good?" She asked, causing me to snap off of my thought before spoke

"Yeah, Im good" i said.. but, i have a plan

[ Skip time ]

It was now math lesson. I have permission from Miss Circle to go to the restroom.. it was my idea as no one's know that Im gonna do something dangerous..

I walk out the class, feeling nervous yet urges

I walk in the hall way until i find myself now standing infront of Alice's room.. feeling nervous, i get out my flash light before open the door

I see a Figure as i quickly point them using my flashlight

To be shocked, the figure seemed to be quite sensitive to light as i can see them blocking my flashlight from their eyes..

[Alice's PoV]

I was just Chilling, doing nothing before someone opened the door...

It was the same person as yesterday as he points his flashlight on me.. as i block it since it was out of sudden, of course my eyes don't get used to it

"Hello?" He said

I try to get used with lights since it was 2 months ago since i go outside my room to kill that girl (Claire)

"... Hi..?" I said, i was confused.. my thought doesn't say anything.. since its always told me to kill Someone who entered my room

I still put my guards on as I rubs my eyes before turn to him as he seemed to be scared..

[Oliver's PoV]

I was scared of her.. yet i felt a weird feeling at the same time.. Im confused..

Before making Miss Circle curious and check on me, i quickly close the door and run away to the class.. not wanting Miss Circle to ask me why do i go to the toilet too long

My heart was beating fast .. from both scared and.. love?

I walk in the class, as i was panting from running

Miss Circle then turn to me

"Where did you go? You took too long for just going to the restroom" she said in a Japanese google voice

"I- uh" i try to think for a good reason

"I go to the medical room for a bit.. because.. im.. dizzy" i said, nervous a bit

"Okay, just take a sit" she said. I sighed in relief as I sit next to Zip and Edward at the back row

I cant help myself but thinking about that girl.. am i inlove? Scared?.. not sure..

[Zip's PoV]

I see Oliver seemed to spaced out before i shake his shoulder a bit

I was shocked when he suddenly startled and fall from the chair as everyone in the class stares at him

He rubs his head and set his seat before sit on it again..

"Are you okay, Oliver?" I ask

[Oliver's PoV]

I felt VERY Embarrassed as i sit

"Im good.." i said, my mind kept driving me crazy about the girl.. i cant help it! Like- she's hot- i mean pretty

Thx for reading!

Oliver sure madly in love with Alice in Kaatie's X (Twitter)

Anyway, thank you for request Hikacool

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