
He sighed. Hoping for a better day. Seems like Gyuhe is in a good mood. Sunghoon walked out from his house and after a few minutes he found Gyuhe's driver waiting with a black car. He greeted him.

"Sir, the young master wants you to come with us." The driver said politely. Sunghoon just nodded, he got into the car and the man closed the door of the car. But Sunghoon didn't notice a pair of eyes on him glancing at him from afar.

Heeseung was on his way to the nearby convenience store to work, not really work but to flirt with girls. And the owner will not be going to complain about it because Heeseung's existence is enough to bring more than fifty girls to the store. Not to mention those guys who also come, just to have a little glimpse of him.

Like every other day, he was talking with a girl. The girl always comes and asks him about her outfit so the same today. She asked her about her outfit.

"My girl, you always look pretty." He said checking her out. He is definitely a flirt.

"Aish, no.. I'm asking you about the outfit. It is good? Should I wear something different?"

"Looks like you are going to a party" He said and leaned closer to her. She smiled.

"Yeah, so please tell me." She begged. Of course she is enjoying his closeness.

"Okay.....umm......" Putting his index finger on his chin he tried to think deeply while furrowing his brows.

"Something is missing." He said. The girl pouted.

"What is missing?" She asked this time seriously.

"Wait let me think....." Then Heeseung again did the same, putting his index finger on his chin and roamed his eyes to the outside to find some better words.

He didn't find any better words or not he doesn't know but yeah, he finds someone, someone getting into a car. And he is not dumb to not know where that person is going. He moved his head directly to the girl, trying to distract himself from looking at Sunghoon.

"What? You said something is mis...."

Taking the girl's right hand in his palm Heeseung gives a soft kiss on her hand.

"My blessings." He said smiling at her. The girl had to bite her inner cheeks to stop from blushing.

But the girl didn't notice him glancing at someone from the Beginning.

Sunghoon's eyes widened when he got a little glimpse of the villa from the car. And soon the car stopped in front of it. The driver got out of the car and opened the door for him. Getting out of the car, at first Sunghoon stopped for a moment to stare at the villa, the white and blue colour is laying so perfectly as a paint on the walls of the villa that the paint is giving its own royal vibe. He sighed and followed the guard who was waiting for him to follow.

Everyone's gazes are on him now. He tried to only look on the floor to ignore those stares from rich kids. And why it's taking so long to reach wherever he is going is just ringing in his brain. And he is feeling insecure. The thought of him wearing something cheap and that's why all people are looking at him is eating him. And soon he can feel someone's existence.

Gyuhe smiled at him. He came closer,

"You look good." He whispered in his ear. Sunghoon just pronounces a 'thank you' to him. And soon he felt Gyuhe's hand around his waist and guided him to the middle of the stage. He doesn't know what Gyuhe is up to, or what tradition these rich kids do in these types of parties.

The lights flash on Gyuhe and him. And Sunghoon hates it. He hates this much attention, he hates those stares.

"Good evening everyone." Gyuhe greeted all the guests. As they give their all attention to them.

"As you know that today is me and Sunghoon's one month anniversary, I want everyone to enjoy this moment with us."

Then he looked at Sunghoon. Not knowing what to do Sunghoon just forms a little smile, he doesn't really like to do it but he has to.

"Yeah enjoy and dance your heart out.... cheers."

Every one clapped and shouted when he finished his starting speech and moved his head to kiss Sunghoon. Really, Sunghoon just wanted to hide somewhere, it's embarrassing, it is extremely embarrassing to kiss someone when everyone's eyes are on them. And he doesn't even like Gyuhe, that's the other reason. But he has to act, act as his boyfriend.

Soon everyone started dancing, singing, couples making out in the corners, singles flirting with each other, grabbing drinks after drinks from the bar counter.

Sunghoon doesn't know if the room is so dark or so light that he is not able to look at anyone's face clearly. The loud sounds of music are kept pulling him back to his seat where he is sitting, not allowing him to go and have some fresh air. Gyuhe introduces him with some of his ex school's friends, and they are rich. Rich as hell.

"Hey, do you want some drinks?" Leaning to his ears Gyuhe asked him. Sunghoon just shook his head.

"You should have." Then Gyuhe put the glass near his lips. After all he had no choice so he accepted.

"Hey Sunghoon, can you set me with any of your siblings or cousins? Because you are so beautiful and I want someone like you too." One of Gyuhe's friends said. Sunghoon waited for a second and then smiled awkwardly and said,

"I don't have any siblings."


"But I really want someone like you." That friend said again. But this time Gyuhe spoke up.

"Don't you dare to say that again, I know he is beautiful but he is mine." He said pulling Sunghoon closer to him.

They are talking nonstop. Laughing and Sunghoon clearly can see their drunken state is not so well. All of them are drunk and somehow he is feeling uncomfortable with them. When Gyuhe is talking and laughing with them not caring about Sunghoon. Not for a second. He is drunk too.

Sunghoon looks again at Gyuhe for the nth time to see if there is any chance to let him know that he needs to go to the bathroom. But Gyuhe is not listening, and Sunghoon can't go anywhere without letting him know. After a few attempts of calling Gyuhe he failed successfully to bring his scene back. But after a few minutes, Gyuhe stood by himself, excusing his friends he looked at Sunghoon, signalling him to come with him.

'At last'

Sunghoon is relieved that Gyuhe understands what he was saying before. He stood up and followed Gyuhe from behind. 

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