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Ahoyy there guys! Its here! Finally another actual chapter!
But then again, yu could be thinking
"Oh great. Whale posted another terrible chapter."
Why do yall even read this again?
Anyways! A fav and cmments are always appreciated! ILY!❤️
I had waken up, gasping for air.
Tears were rolling down my face.
I was sweating.
Why did i have a dream like that?
I picked up my phone and called Will.
"Heyy babe!" He said excited that i called. I didnt say anything, i just sat there breathing into the phone. Trying to gather my words without freaking out.
"Babe?" He said. You could here the worry in his voice.
"I had the scariest dream ever last night!" I said trying not to burst into tears.
"Okay. You scared me for a moment."
He noticed the worry, and sadness in my voice.
"Are you okayy though?" He finished.
I started explaining the dream, bursting into tears while doing so.
"Baby. Baby. Please, calm down." He said trying to make me calm down.
"Shhh.. Its okay. Okayy?"
I slowed my breathing a bit, and wiped my face off.
We sat in silence there for a moment.
Then Will piped up and said
"You do know, i would never do anything like that right? I love you. I love you way to much to hurt you like that." He said. His voice was calm, but yet full of worry.
"I know, i dont know what made me have a dream like that. It just scared me to death. You mean everything to me Will. And a dream can turn to reality in a short time, and the day that dream becomes a reality. I wouldnt kill myself by throwing my car into traffic, but i would shut myself out." I said. Every emotion spilling out of me at once. I was beyond the point of crying.
"Heyy. Baby, it will be okayy. Just breathe. I love you."
I calmed down.
"I love you to."
"I will talk to you later then. Okayy Revin? Stay safe!"
"Okayy Will."
I hung up the phone and just looked around the room.
At the foot of the bed, lie peacefully my little cat, Prismarine. I gently picked her up and layed her in my lap, and just petted her.
There was suddenly a knock on my door, and it scared me a little bit. I quickly got up and looked in the mirror.
I looked like shit. Oh well. I wiped underneath my eyes, to get the make-up that had run down. Mehh. Good enough.
I walked to the door and opened it, revealing a big forehead, bright smiling man. It was Parker!
"Parker!" I yelled, giving him a hug.
He was wearing his favorite leather jacket, but no beanie. Geee, i wonder who has it! *wink wink*
He hugged me back.
I pulled away, and pointed at the couch.
"You can come in if you want."
He walked in the apartment, and looked around a bit and sat on the couch.
"Nice place you got here Rave!" He announced.
"Thanks! But heres the thing... How did you find out where i lived?" I asked him as i walked into the kitchen.
"Well. I remembered that you had said you lived in Dallas as well, so, i sent Bailey a DM, asking where you lived, non creepily of course, and she told me and bam! Im here!" He explained.
"Ohhh okayy! Well, just make yourself at home! Do you want anything from the kitchen?" I said, not wanting him to feel awkward.
"Do you have any Dr.Pepper?" He said. He gave me the biggest smile i have ever seen. Im not gunna lie, he has some big teeth, but they suit him.
"A whole minni fridge full of nothing but Dr.Pepper, and ehh Coke." I shivered and fakely gaged as i said Coke.
He just laughed at me. I dont blame him. Im pretty funny.
"Awesoooommeee!" He yelled as i handed him one.
I walked back in the kitchen, and got my phone from the bar. I sneakily went to my camera, and took a picture of Parker drinking his Dr.Pepper.
I then tweeted it saying
"Look who decided to stop by! @.Parker_GamesMC!"
Only moments later did his phone go off. He went and checked it. I was trying so hard not to laugh. When he looks up at me like 'dafuq?', thats when i lost it. I started hysterically laughing, and him joining.
"Ohhh shit." I said, calming down as i walked over to the couch, plopping down on the opposite side from Parker.
I turned on the TV, and XBox that Bailey had set back up yesterday.
I went to Netflix and clicked *insert fav show*
"Actually," i said, kinda softly. I got up from the couch and looked around the room.
"Where you going?" He asked.
"Uhmm im gunna go get somthing. I will be right back." I smirked at him and disapeared into my room.
I looked around the floor, the cabinets, and the dresser, and couldnt find his beanie. I walked into my bathroom and looked around. There it was, a gray beanie say on the bathroom counter. I grabbed it and walked out. I peaked my head around the corner of the door, to see Parker facing the tv, not paying attention. I slowly, and very quietly walked behind him.
I then attacked. I wrapped the beanie on his face, as if i was suffocating him.
He just sat there and reached around and grabbed my arms. And removed the beanie.
"Hey! My beanie!" He yelled with excitement. "I forgot you had this!"
He jumped up and gave me a hug.
"Thank you for gabbing it for me. I really appreciate it."
"Awhh its no problem Parker!" I said as i hugged him back.
We released and we sat back down.
Parker. He was someone i could rely on. Hes like a brother. I love him, just brotherly.
"Well. It was good seeing you Revin. I gotta head out and finish packing." Parker said while standing up, knocking me out of my train of thought.
"Packing? Where you goin?" I asked.
"Oh, I guess I didn't tell you. Im moving up to L.A. to persue my acting career." He said nervous like. He was probably nervous of how i would react.
"Im so happy for you Parker!" My eyes went wide as i smiled. I gave him a quick hug and then he left.
I sat back down on the couch, enjoying the show, when i heard a bark. It was Captain! Captain is Baileys dog.
Then it dawned on me. Wheres Bailey?
I picked up my phone and dialed her number.
"Hello?" She said while picking up the phone.
"Heyy! Where you at? You didnt come home last night! Where were you?" I asked, turning down the tv volume.
"Oh shit, yea i forgot to tell you. I crashed at my moms. Is there a problem?"
"N-no. I was just wondering if you were okay or not."
After a few minutes of us talking about what had happened lastnight, and about Parker coming over, we ended the call.
I then decided to go unpack the stuff from yesterday, because i was to tired to do it yesterday.
Some shoes.
After putting away alot of the things in their proper places, i finally got to the bottom of the bag.
There was a little envelope labeled
I stared at it questionably.
I then decided to open it.
"Dear Raven,
I had taken my time to write this letter for you. And, well, my time is your time right? Well, i just wanted to tell you that I Love You.
Now by this letter, were probably already together. But i just wanted to do a sweet little thing for this.
I remember, we used to watch TheFaultInOurStars, at least once a week. We were obsessed with that movie, so we declared it as "our movie".
Well, i like to think of us like that,
Except were both kind of healthy.
Some infinities are bigger than other infinities, and Raven, i am thankful for our little infinite.
I wouldnt trade it for anything.
And if God himself came down and offered me a millions of things in exchange for it. I would tell him to piss off.
I love You.
-William Shakes.

I closed the note and just gliggled at his nerdyness. I put the note on my night stand, and put my suitcase in the closet.
"Hey!" I hear from behind me. I whipped around and saw Bailey standing at my doorway.
"Heyy!" I said while walking up to her and giving her a hug.
"Whats that?" She said pointing at tge note.
"Awhhh somthing Will had slipped in my suitecase before we left. Its quite cute." I replied.
"May i?" She asked.
"Go head." I chuckled.
I layed down on my bed and just scrolled through twitter, as Bailey sat next to me reading the note.
"This is just the cutest thing i have ever seen or read!" She exclaimed.
"Isnt it?" I replied, not tearsung my eyes from my phone.
"Ima go take a shower, then head to bed. Is that cool?" She asked.
"Yea. Why wouldnt it be?"
"Oh, i dont know."
She walked out of my room, and into her own.
I then started slowly drifting off to sleep, when my phone went off, a text from Sophie! Sophie, was Wills sister. Me and her had gotten to be really close friends.
She was just checking on me, seeing how i was doing... She was telling me all about her boyfriend, but it was funny. She wouldnt tell me exactly who he was, she was just going on about how amazing he was.
Our conversation went on for what felt likr hours, when we finally stopped texting. I then, txted Will tellinh him goodnight then went to sleep.
Ahoyy there! ✌️
I hope yu enjoyed this chapter of litterally nothingness...
Anyways... Its 6 in the morning, im tired af...
What do yu think about Wills sister Sophie?
Who is her new lover?
Leave the suggestions in the cmmnts!
Leave a favorite if yu liked this chapter, it's very appreciated!
In the next chapter, there will be a major time skip, but it will all make sence soon enough!
I Love Yu Guys, i will see yu in yhe next chapter.
😌Be Happy!😌
✌️Whaleeee is out, i will swim with yu guys layterr. Have fun, and fairwins!✌️

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