Going our seprate ways.

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Heyy Guys! Soo... I have an idea! Ik, Whale has an idea, but frear not little ones (ik yu arnt little, some of yall are probably older than me) but anyways, i was thinking that maybee, after this book is over (which is not any time soon) i might write a book, the same book, but with Wills perspective... How does that sound? Lemme kno in le comments! I love yu guys, stay awesome!
The rest of the week was just amazing.
We played alot of video games, actually, Parker had went out and got the new Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare. We had a little bracket set up, of who would go against who, and over all, Mark,Parker,Liam, and Bee were top four.
I was in alot of there videos, it was just amazing.
ALOT more pranks were pulled. Like Sean (Grape), And Mark were soaked in ice water. Parker got attacked by snowballs. Isaac got his clothes stolen out of the bathroom, so he walked around with a towel. Mitch got his face shaved. The pranks were perfect.
As the ending of the week drew closer, the more i dreaded wanting to leave. I was going to miss all my friends.
Graser. Joe. Parker. Dul. Bee. Straub. Devon. Mitch. Brayden. Jordan. Ryan. Dylan. Poke. Liam. Mark. Sean. Julio. Tybzi. But most of all, Will.
The more i thought about it, the more my heart broke. I tried pushing it in the back of my mind, but as the days went by, it was always in my mind. (Ayee tht rhymes!)
On the last day, everyone left, but at diffrent times throughout the day. Me and Bailey said good bye to everyone as they left the house.
I moped around, wishing this week would never end.
"Raven!" Bee yelled as she ran downstairs. "Me and Straub are leaving! Our Uber will be here any minute!"
"Awhh. I wish yall could stay just a bit longer, but your flight would leave soon."
Bee wrapped me in a giant hug.
"I know i wish i could stay, but i gotta get back to Australia! Im gunna miss you!"
"Im gunna miss you too." I said. Tears threatened to spill out of my eyes.
Straub came up to me and hugged me.
"Awhh its okayy Raven! Dont cry! We will see you again soon! We promise. Right Bee?" He said turning twards Bee. "Right!"
"Well our Ubers are here. We better get!" The hugged Bailey and walked out the door. Man, im gunna miss those Aussie accents.
For the rest of the day, Will and I cuddled on the couch, waiting on the rest of the people to leave.
Jordan and Bailey however, sucked eachothers faces off all day. Very disturbing.
"Hey Jordan. Our Uber will be here any second. Time to go." Ryan said while looking at his phone. Probably on Twitter.
I heard Bailey crying. I dont blame her. Im gunna cry when Will has to leave.
They said their good byes, Ryan and Jordan came up and hugged me, and then went off on their ways. I got up and comforted Bailey. I felt bad for her.
"Hey. Since its only Us 5 left, lets just get our stuff and head back to our hotes eh?" Graser said. Walking out of his room from a fresh shower.
We all agreed and started cleaning up.
After cleaning up and packing everything, Graser called for an Uber.
After making sure everything was cleaned and everything was off, we got imto the Uber and to the hotel we went.
My phone went off. It was Parker.
"I miss you already! :("
I quickly responded.
"I miss you too! :( i will post all the pictures of us on Twitter here in a bit."
"Okayy! Well i will talk to you layterr!"
Gahh.... I miss his big forehead and loud mouth.
We arrived at the hotel and we only got one room this time, cause Graser and Will were gunna leave layter that day.
I was dreading for that time to come.
We turned on some Netflix, and just had small talk and watched movies.
"Im gunna miss you so much Raven." Will announced. He grabbed my hand and pulled me out to the hallway.
"I love you Raven. I am wanting this day to never end, but sadly, it has to."
By this time i was crying. He pulled me into his arms and burried my head to his chest. His shirt getting wet, marked with my left over make-up.
"Im gunna miss you to Will. I love you so much. Even though im crying, and that your about to leave. I wouldnt wanna be in any other place, other than your arms. I know i sound cheesy. But i dont care. You make me really happy. I missed you alot before, and now, after this week, im gunna do nothi g but miss you more. Im gunna miss you so much its gunna hurt." I said, sobbing on his shirt and chest.
He brushed my hair behind my ear, and pulled back. He put his hand on my face, and rubbed my cheek with his thumb. I couldnt help but smile and blush.
He smiled back at me.
"See, im gunna miss that. Im gunna miss your smile. Your hair. The way you blush when I mention your name, when i smile at you. When i laugh. Your the most beautiful person i have ever seen in my life. This week couldnt have been better."
"Im gunna miss your smell. Your British accent. Playing with your hair. Falling asleep knowing your beside me. But most of all, im gunna miss your smile. You have a smile thats worth a million dollars. You have the most perfect smile i have ever seen on anyone i have ever seen."
He smile and a single tear fell down his cheek. He put his arms around my waist and pulled me in. I slithered my arms around his neck. Our eyes met and he smiled.
"Have i told you latley. That i love you?"
He pulled me in and kissed me passionately. Our lips moving in sync. He gently pressed me up against the wall. We finally pulled apart when we both needed air.
Graser opened the door and saw us. He just looked at us questionably. Then a saddened look crossed over his face. I read him like a book, they were about to leave. I felt the tears swelling in my eyes. Will looked at me and his eyes were watering as well. He hugged me tightly and gave me one more light, soft kiss and then went on his way. I watched them walk into the elevator and Graser waved goodbye. He pushed the button and the doors closed leaving me breathless and crying in an empty hallway.
After a few minutes, i walked back into the room and layed on the bed. As soon as my head hit the pillow, i was out.
-=+=- Time Skip morning! -=+=-
I woke up that bect morning, i felt exauhsted. I dressed into some decent-comfortable clothes and sat on the bed and watched tv for a bit. Bailey walked into the room, fresh from her shower.
"So our flight is in like two hours. Ready to go?" She asked. Water still dripping from her wet hair.
"Suree... I have nothing else here!" I said with a slight attitude. I grabbed the bags and put them by the door. My eyes swept the room, and somthing caught my eye. A dark gray beanie layed on the table, along with one of Wills shirts. I quickly grabbed the shirt and put it on. It still smelled like him. I grabbed the beanie and put it on. I took a quick selfie and posted to twitter.
"Gee. I wonder whos beanie and shirt this is?! @.parker_gamesMC @.kiinqtonq."
I locked my phone and put it in my pocket. It was time to go.
We called an Uber and checked out the hotel and to the airport.
Goodbye amazing city of Boston.
Hello again huge city of Dallas.
Ahoyy there guys! So, heres a short, cute little chapter for yaaa! I got bored at like 5 in the morning, so here ya go!
Soo, i wanna know, whats yalls opinion on DulJuice leaving the Cube?
Personally, it kinda shocked me, but at the same time, i knew sooner or layterr it would happen. Its just, she hasnt really been apart of it. But i understand it considering college and such.

Ohh... And, how do yall like UHC Season13 so far eh? I think its pretty good!! But im ngl, i love NoBoom, Dylan (Hypercraft), CreeperFarts, and the new guys, but if one of them win Cube UHC i might freak out a bit... Just sayin.

And how do yu like the edits i make? If yu like them, and yu decide to use them, tweet me! @Revin_Cheyenne
Tell me on Instagram! @Hipsterr.Whaleee it would be cool if you guys use my edits!
Send me somthin on snapchat!
PM me! Dont be scered!! I wont bite... Hard!!
Ohh yeaa, and if yu dont already, you should follow me... ;)

Alright guys!! Make sure to fav and comment! Gimme some new book suggestions! Tell me what my book needs!! I NEED FEED BACK!!
I love you guys💚
❤️Stay Positive, my friends!❤️
😌Be Happy!😌
✌️Whaleee is outt!! I will swim with ya layterr!✌️

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