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Heyy guys! Soo, i have decided to post at least 2 times a week. Sooo yeaaa. Give me some ideas for pictures up there, because i still dont know. Did yu like the extra long chapter? let me know if yu guys wnt me too write them longer or not. Sooo yeaaa sorry if theres any typos or mistakes. i am starting to use a new keyboard, soo yeaa. leave a vote if yu liked it and leave me some suggestions!!!

We walked into the hotel and it was HUGE! We were completly marveled! It was a fancy, really fancy place. A chrystal chandelier hung from the ceiling. A marble type floor with a brownish tan checkered rug. Beautiful brown leather furniture lined some of the wall, and infront of it was a dark oak polished coffee table. It was amazing. Obviously a 5-Star hotel. I walked awkwardly up to the front desk. It felt like i didnt belong in this fancy of a place.
"Umm hi, can we get a room?" I said kind of shy like.
"Yess Ma'me, what are yout names?" She said with an obviously fake enthusiastic voice.
"Raven Grimes and Bailey Greene." I said as i felt the butterflies return.
Instead of her asking us anymore information she just turned around and went straight to a drawer and pulled out 2 room keys handing one to each of us. At looked at Bailey and i could tell she was just as confused as i was. She then spoke
"This is really starting to get weird. First the already paid for Uber, now the hotel? This is crazy!!"
I stood there in agreement. We turned around and started walking tward the elevator. I noticed a man just standing there in the corner on his phone with his back twards us. I started feeling a bit suspicious, so i yold Bailey to hold the elevator for a moment.
I walked over to the man and tapped on his shoulder.
"Umm sir?" I spoke kinda softly.
He turned around slowley and i could tell who it was just by the way he turned.
I dropped everything and jumped into his arms and squeezed him for a minute, and he did the same.
It was Will!
After about 2 minutes of us just standing there hugging, we finally broke.
"I have missed you sooo much Raven its crazy!!" He said holding on to my shoulders.
I looked into his eyes and said
"I have missed you too Will! I know its been crazy!"
We walked to the elevator with Will still hanging on my shoulders.
I noticed an odd look on Baileys face as we walked to the elevator.
I stepped in and pressed the button numbered 4.
I officially introduced Will to Bailey. They seemed to like eachother, i hoped not in tht way.
I was still kind of in shock about seeing Will here before us.
I then decided to break the awkward silence and by asking Will a few questions.
"When did you even get here, Will?" I asked questionably, and feeling a few butterflies in my stomach.
"I got here yesterday at like 4:00 in the morning. Like when we recorded those games of MCSG, i was here when we did that. i was running off of RedBull and Monster Energy." He said kinda nervouse like. He continued.
"i actually have everything all set up and ready in my hotel room. yeaaa... crazy right?"
I loked at him baffeled for a moment.
"Did yu come here all by yourself or did you come here with someone?" i asked kinda stuttering a bit out of nervousness.
"ummm yeaa, i actually flew here all by myself. I met Bayani at the coffee shop just around the block of the airport. One reason why i stayed up is because since i got off the plane at like 4:00 in the mournin, is beause Bayani was getting off his flight at like 8:00 the same morning, soo i decided to stay up and play some Minecraft and finish unpacking a few things before picking him up. and then i met him at the coffee shop and we had decided to bunck together."
After he said that i started giggling a bit, because as soon as he said he was bunking with Bayani, Bailey's face lit up like a Christmas tree. I just awkwardly looked at her, tilting my head a bit in confusion. She then replied with,
"Your bunking with Bayani?"
"umm yeaa... is that a problem?" Will said questionably.
"NOOO! I actually ship you guys, like alot #Kiani for life!!" She said really fast like. Me and Will just looked at each other and started laughing a bit and she joined in a second later.
Will had texted someone, im guessing Bayani, and had told him to wait at the elevator door for us. When the elevator door opened, it reavealed a light brown headed boy with tattoos and a nose ring.
It was Bayani.
Bailey had an excited look on her face and introduced herself immediatley. Will had asjed him to help carry our stuff to our room. Luckily for us, our rooms were right beside theirs. Bayani had told me that all of the Youtubers coming too Pax was going to stay on this floor, and Will had tricked the poor front desk lady into letting us stay up here too. God, i love Will.
After we put all of our bags in the room, and there were only 4, 2 for me, 2 for Bailey. Will had asked too meet him at the coffee shop before he had to go to The Cube Panel. The Panel was at 1:00 in the afternoon and we had decided to meet at 10.
Bayani and Will had left and went back to their room to record a bit. Me and Bailey had decided to just sit back and unpack for a bit. I thought to myself, "this is the first day of the best week of our lives."

Irresistible. •A Kiingtong fanfic•Where stories live. Discover now