3. | Embarassinggg

Start from the beginning

"When the hell were you loud at like... 8 in the morning? God damn... To be honest, I woke up when I heard the whole thing about getting circumcised for 50 bucks... But still" Jake was groggy as all hell as he spoke, rubbing his eyes.

"I GET TO MEET NEVER SHOUT NEVER, FUCK THE TIME, CAUSE IM ABOUTA HAVE THE TIME OF MY LIFEEEEE." Johnnie continued to scream Emoly. Proceeding to wake up more people in the home.

"Oh...? Really?? Can I tag along too?" The grogginess stopped right away and he also seemed a bit excited. Starting to match Johnnie's energy too. Bryan's smile faded sorta at Jake's question.

"Yeah man, the whole team is coming along... I can't just have Johnnie doing all these camera shots on his own." Now both Jake Johnnie were cheering loudly, and it wasn't too long before the entire house woke up.

Everyone else didn't really manage to get themselves as excited as Jake and Johnnie were, but they were still thrilled to do this video and actually get to meet a pretty awesome band. Everyone got dressed up while Bryan got the car ready for the 7 hour drive for the crew to meet up with NSN in Missouri (idk if this is where the interview took place or not-).

Timeskipppp to the incidenttttt >>>>>>

The entire crew were getting on with the NSN interview. Johnnie talked a bit with the vocalist of the band member before this interview and he felt like he peaked happiness in life. The other members got the camera and Jake handed Bryan his microphone before they started with the questions.

After an unhealthy amount of questions in, shit started going down. Christofer Drew (vocalist if the band, literally just searched this up) seemed to just have a mental blockage. He became a bit more hostile and irritated with Bryan's questions and he just snapped. Taking a few of Bryan's crew members by surprise.

"Are you pissed at me because I made that NSN RIP video? 😣" Bryan sticks the microphone in Christofers face now.

"Dude, I'm not pissed at you about that video. I like people being real-"

"I juST iI hoNEStlY-"

"You just seem like to you know, make a mockery of all the band you're interviewing man. And really we're- and especially when someone's passionate about their art, from their heart, I mean, making a mockery of that dude... It's just blasphemy."

After a few more minutes of beefing >>

The video was cut short after that and Bryan was waa-waaing his ass off camera. Johnnie and some of the crew members felt bad for Bryan lowkey, but he was kind of on Chris's side for this case. Both Jake and Johnnie decided to talk to Chris some more and the two other band members. He could tell Chris wasn't at his best at all since the beginning of the interview.

"Hey Chris, you good? I could tell you weren't in the right headspace at all since the beginning of this interview. If you didn't want to do it you didn't have to man." Jake started and Johnnie just nodded along with what Jake was saying.

Chris let out a sigh and nodded "Yeah no, Im just not in the right mindset in the moment... It's not that I don't want to do the interview it's just... I wasn't expecting your friend over there to just be asking me all those stupid ass questions." He answered.

"Totally get that man, you wanna like... Smoke with us or something?" Jake suggested, Johnnies eyes widen and looked back at Chris, who had a smile on his face now.

"Hell yes man! I could use that right now." So Chris and the other band members along with Jake and Johnnie got together and started smoking, chatting up with the band members about random topics, and ACTUALLY about the band, musics, etc. It was a great night, Johnnie boy wasn't lying earlier when he said he was gonna be having the time of his life.

Johnnie's POV

I was having the greatest time of my life. I've never had this much fun before. The band were just as cool as I'd thought they be in person, I don't know if it's because Chris was under the influence, but Chris he was just easy to talk to now but we found ourselves laughing so much. He also showed me and Jake some of their unreleased tracks and I've never felt so honored in my life. Everything was going well until I felt my phone vibrating on my pockets. Shit did I leave it on DND again?

I excused myself from the group for a moment to take a call. I looked at my phone to see who it was and my heart dropped from my chest and out of my ass when I saw it was Tara. The scariest part was that she'd tried calling me multiple times already 😭 I quickly answered it, expecting to hear a scolding ratty voice on the other side of the line... But surprisingly I didn't hear that.

"Uhh, hello? Is anyone there?" I asked, not hearing anything. I could hear a faint voice. I put my phone up to my ear and listened for the voice, trying to pick up on any words. I managed to and I heard-

"Turn on your speaker!" Oh shit, I forgot to hit that button. Why is that even a thing anyway? Or maybe I'm just not used to taking calls. So I quickly clicked the speaker button and the voice was booming now.

"Okay, Johnnie do you have your speaker on now? Sweet baby Jesus-" A clearly masculine voice that didn't belong to Tara hopefully was now evident. Who was it thought..? And why the hell would this man have Tara's phone?

"Uhh, who is this? Why do you know my name? Why do you have Tara's phon-"

"Jake, Tara's boyfriend, I have her phone because she gave up on trying to call you and went to bed grumpy." He spoke clearly. Ah, it was that punk, who so happens to have the same name as my bestie. No wonder that voice sounded familiar.

"Ohhh, you. Why you call?" I asked two-braincellsly.

"Ohhh you, why you not at home?" He asked me back, matching my tone. I giggled a little at this 🤭.

"UhmmmmmmMmM, I'm in Missouri." I said nonchalantly.

"WHAT? WHY IS YOUR KANSAN ASS ALL THE WAY IN MISSOURI? 😭" Jake shouted at me which made me pull the phone away from my ear quickly.

"Ouch my eardrums- I got kidnapped by a dude to visit my favorite band Never Shout Never, I'm coming back home dw." I responded. I could hear him about to say something else but I had already hung up on him. Going back to the group to enjoy the rest of the night. Hopefully Jake has fun explaining that to Tara.

A/N: ALMOST 2000 WORDS (1804 not including this) I didn't really know how to end this off, I'm definitely gonna come back to edit this chapter if I get any other ideas but YIPPEE. Jake isn't in too much of this chapter but I'll make sure he gets mention way more in the next chapter. Love you all wormies, have a lovely day/night 😘😘

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