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Third Person's Pov:

A 18 years old girl named Elitia Serana was preparing to go to school. While his father Eliott Serana was preparing the fish and some vegetables from their garden to sell it.

Elitia's mother passed away when she was young, she doesn't have any siblings...even friends. She spends most of her time studying hard for her father's sake even though her father keep telling her to get up and have some fun, but she wouldn't bulge and still keep studying for her dreams.

To give her father a happy life and travel the world.

Her father feels very proud of her, the fact that she wasn't shy to admit that they are poor. She doesn't complain to anything as long as it makes someone happy.

As Elitia was done fixing her things. She smiles happily and bids her father farewell, hoping to see him when she comes back from school.

But a tragic incident happens when she was away....


She was walking back home when suddenly her neighbor stops her with a panicking face.

"Elitia!!! Oh Elitia!!! Y-Your father...Y-Your father!!" she said with sweats on her face.

Elitia's eyes widened as she runs to the place where her neighbor tells where her father was.


As soon as she arrives, her eyes widened more.
Seeing the ambulance and the nurses sorrounding her father.

She aproaches a man, asking what happened.

The man frowns and shooks his head, pointing the fishes and vegetables her father was selling.

It's all spilled in the floor, but it doesn't look like unintentional.

"Those vloggers prank the poor man and insult his products." the man said pointing a group of guys and one is holding a camera.

Her anger boils.

"W-What happened after that?" she said, voice cracking in anger.

"The man begs them to stop but they got too far and starts stomping their foots on his products. Then the man collapsed and the nurses said it was a heart att-" before the man could finish telling her what happened, she rushed to the group of guys who's holding the camera and slaps him.

"How dare you do that to my father?!!! You as*hole!!! Did you know how much struggles we endured just to sell those?!!!For just a prank!!!???" she yells at them with angry tears flowing down her cheeks.

They all look horrified by her sudden outburst.
The guy holding a camera just looks down as well as his group.


At the hospital...

She was waiting patiently outside the Emergency Room. Hoping her father to be alright.

Hours passed and the doctor came out of the emergency room, removing her mask.

Elitia stands up with hope in her eyes, looking at the doctor.

"Is my father...okay?..." she asks but her voice fades as well as the hope in her eyes when the doctor shooks her head.

"I'm sorry Ms. Serana..." the doctor said.

Elitia falls on her knees, analyzing what just happened.

"Y-you're kidding right??? It must be another prank!!! Please tell me it's just a prank!!!" she yells at the doctor but the doctor just shooks her head and looks at her with pity while apologizing.

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