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As they sat in the sand eating the fish they cause and watching the stars twinkled above, casting a magical glow over the forest, Lotus and Alaric sat side by side, their eyes fixed on the glittering night sky.
The air was filled with a sense of anticipation, a tension that crackled between them like electricity. Alaric's gaze lingered on Lotus, his admiration for her evident in the way he watched her. Without a second thought, he reached out and gently brushed a strand of hair away from her face, his touch sending a shiver down Lotus's spine.
Their eyes locked, the intensity of their gaze holding a silent conversation that neither of them dared to speak aloud. And as they lost themselves in the moment, the world around them faded away, leaving only the two of them locked in a dance of desire. Alaric grabbed her hand and held it. Lotus's heart raced with anticipation as she felt the heat of their connection build.

But just before Lotus could confess her attraction, the sound of hoof beats in the distance shattered the moment of bliss between them. With a gasp, she pulled away from Alaric, her eyes wide with alarm as she realized the source of the noise.
Peering through the darkness, Lotus saw the glint of armor in the moonlight, the unmistakable silhouette of the king's army approaching through the trees. Fear gripped her heart as she knew that they had come for her, to bring her back to the castle and force her into a marriage she did not want.
Turning to Alaric, urgency in her eyes, Lotus spoke hurriedly. "Quick, you must hide. For your safety," she pleaded, her voice filled with desperation.
"Lotus-Eloise I wanted to tell you in case I never see you again that my heart is yours." he said and without a moment's hesitation he disappeared into the depths of a hollow tree nearby as Lotus watched, her heart heavy with the weight of their shared love torn asunder. The king's army drew closer, their voices echoing through the forest as they called out for Lotus, demanding her return to the castle to fulfill her duty. Tears streaked down Lotus's cheeks as she knew that she had no choice but to obey, to sacrifice her own happiness for the sake of her kingdom.
With her heart shattering knowing she won't be able to live in freedom with Alaric, Lotus stepped forward to meet the soldiers, her shoulders squared with determination as she prepared to face her fate.
The soldiers surrounded her, their eyes hard and unyielding as they led her away from the forest, back towards the castle where her future awaited.
Alaric watched from the shadows, his heart breaking as he saw his love taken from him, the promise of their forbidden romance shattered by the demands of duty and tradition.
And as the echoes of hoof beats faded into the night, a sense of loss filled the air, leaving behind only the memory of a love that was never meant to be.
As Princess Lotus-Eloise was escorted back to the castle by her father's army, her mind was consumed with thoughts of Alaric. She couldn't shake the image of him standing on the beach, his blonde hair tousled by the ocean breeze, his dark green eyes filled with longing. She had left him there not out of choice, but out of necessity.
Alaric has to stay safe, she thought away from prying eyes that would surely bring harm upon him if it was discovered that he had known about my whereabouts and didn't report it.
As the castle came into view, Princess Lotus-Eloise felt a mix of emotions. She was relieved to be back in familiar surroundings, but her heart ached for the warmth of Alaric's gaze. The way he looked at her with such intensity, he had captured Princess Lotus-Eloise's heart with his kindness and bravery. Despite their love for each other, they knew that they could never be together as long as the King's decree stood in their way. The memories flooded her mind, making her long for his presence even more.
But her moment of reverie was cut short as her father's voice rang out, breaking the silence.
"Lotus-Eloise, you're back," King Florence said, his tone filled with a mixture of relief and authority.
Princess Lotus-Eloise fixed him with a stern look and replied, "I was forced back, Father. This marriage to Ambrose is not what I desire." King Florence's expression hardened, but Princess Lotus-Eloise knew she had to tread carefully. She has crossed too many lines already.
She couldn't let her father discover her feelings for Alaric, for it would only bring more trouble upon them both. In that moment, a plan began to form in her mind - a plan that would allow her to break free from the shackles of her father's law and be with the man she truly loved. As Princess Lotus-Eloise was led into the castle, she discreetly sought out her loyal handmaiden, Sofia. With a few whispered words and a meaningful look, Sofia understood the princess's intentions. Together, they would hatched a daring plan to sneak out of the castle once again, to find Alaric and escape to a place where they could be together without fear of repercussions. Sofia had been out searching for Alaric and as soon as she found him the plan was ready to go.
As the date of the wedding was to come in a fortnight drew near. She was set to find a way to escape. It took the princess the entire two weeks to finally find the perfect time to escape. As the night fell and the moon shone brightly in the sky, the morning of her wedding, Princess Lotus-Eloise and Sofia made their escape. They slipped past the guards, their hearts pounding with adrenaline as they made their way to the lawn where Alaric awaited them, unaware of the danger that lurked in the shadows.
With each step, Princess Lotus-Eloise knew that she was risking everything for love. But in that moment, as she saw Alaric's silhouette in the moonlight, she knew that it was a risk worth taking. For true love knows no bounds, and together, they would defy the odds to be together, no matter the cost

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