They don't need me.

I can't even run.

I can't fight.

You can do more than you think.

I let out a breath, accepting the soothing voice.

I close my eyes, sitting on the grassy folds by the river- listening to the music that plays within the soft waves. The water is gentle, caressing the rocks on its bank, and dancing with the grass.

As my eyes flutter open, I find myself staring deeper into the forest.

Something catches my eye, movement in the distance beyond the river.

I stand, dusting my leggings off as I do. My hand reaches for a rock, picking it up.

Before I can toss it into the running water, I see it.

The movement.

My hand stops mid air, slowly dropping it back to my side.

A deer.

He stood there, looking at me. His antlers were huge, he was huge.

We were stuck, watching each other, making zero effort to advance in any new action.

I can see his eyes relax as he looks deeper into mine. He lowers his head- his antlers nearly hitting the forest floor- and disappeared into the shrubs.

He bowed to me.

Why did he bow to me?

You are more than you think.

My nose scrunches up, annoyed.

"Stop saying that." I feel my body shift as I speak. "God. I need to stop talking to myself." I mumble, dropping the rock and turning around.

"Oh!" I jump when I see a figure standing in front of me.

"I didn't mean to scare you."


He looks at me, then looks to the river. I see a flash of something in his eyes before his face turns cold. "I just wanted to tell you Dylan is looking for you." He spins on his heel, walking away, towards the camp.

He stops, not turning around before asking. "Will you be here tomorrow?"

I roll my eyes at his question. "Maybe."

He nods, and continues walking.


I stand back for a minute before gradually trudging in the same direction.

I find Dylan speaking to some of the trainees. They turn to catch my eyes, their own full of disgust. I can say the same.

Dylan turns to look at me, relief filling his features as his shoulder relax. "Rubes." He breathes out, walking quickly to meet me halfway. "We need to go home, Rosie has been calling and calling."

The Battle of Rabid EarthWhere stories live. Discover now