Chapter 20

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"Going somewhere princess?" Ethan taunted as he caught up to Avery and backed her into a corner. She slowly backed away from him and frantically looked around for anything she could protect herself with.

She looked up at him with a worried expression but it faded almost instantly.

"Are you actually going to kill me?" She asked tears welling in her eyes, she couldn't believe this was the monster she fell in love with. As one would say like mother like daughter.

"I will, and I'll make sure everyone can hear it. Including your friends." He evilly grinned while spinning the knife in his hand. She took a step away from the wall and another towards him.

She looked up to him as he towered over her "so do it. Kill me"

A look of confusion clouds his face, he must have been shocked by the sentence. Avery didn't want to die, but somewhere deep inside her there was that hope that they could be together. That hope will most likely kill her itself.

"What?" He says the shock still evident on his face.

"Do it." Avery says again but this time she takes the blade in his hand and places it against her lower stomach. "DO IT" She screams at him and tears stream down her face waiting for her inevitable outcome.

Avery's been running from death for two years, she is finally ready to accept her fate.

Ethan's eyes look anywhere but back in her and that's how she knew she was right.

"You won't do it, you can't" Avery says holding back more tears that are threatening to break free.

"I will Avery! I mean it I will!" He says. "You won't because you love me"

Ethan shakes his head back and fourth and suddenly drops the knife. He quickly backs away from her. "You don't understand I have to do this! I have to kill you" He cries out trying to explain the situation to Avery.

"You don't. You never did" she cries and tries to move closer to him. She loved the boy she knew but she feared that he was long gone, or that he was never really there at all.

"Join us Avery please, I can convince them to let you live" Ethan begged her but she had no intention of siding with the serial killers. She shook her head, her vision blurry from the tears.

" I can't"

Ethan walked up to her and brought her into his embrace, he brings his arms around her but this time felt different. This time time she felt nothing but fear, she no longer felt the need to stay there forever. He plants a soft kiss on her forehead and lets one of his arms drop.

"I'm so sorry" He whispers against her forehead pulling her tighter, trying to remember this moment. His mind filled with regret as he knows what he was about to do.

"I have to do this" Avery's eyes move up to meet his. What did he mean? Was he going to stop his sister and dad she thought.

Ethan's arm pulls back and plunges his other knife into her stomach. Avery's eyes widen as the blade is pulled out again. She gasps in pain and disbelief. Her tears covering her vision.

She looks down and all she sees is red dripping from her abdomen. Avery's body falls to the floor and she lets out a scream. "Please don't do this to me, please" She begged but it was to no use now, she was bleeding out quickly.

Ethan is frozen on the spot staring at Avery, a sob left his mouth. His eyes widened as Avery tried to put pressure on the wound just as she was taught but Ethan leaned down once again.

He pushes the blade back into her stomach causing her to scream out again, she felt liquid in her mouth which was making her struggle to breathe. He retracts the blade once again and another scream is let out by Avery but this time weaker than the last.

"I'm sorry Ave" He says wiping the blood off his hands before going to find the others.

Avery looks to her left and sees the knife she took off Kirby laying on the ground. She uses all of her strength to get to it and slowly but surely she takes a hold of it.

Her legs tremble as she stood, barely having enough strength to get up. Anger is the only thing that is fuelling her, she thinks if I am going to die I have to make sure he does.

Ethan walked away slowly with his back turned to Avery, he had no indication of what was to happen to him. Avery gripped the knife in her hand and ran up to him, piercing him in the back.

He let out a scream and slowly turned around, knife at the ready. Avery didn't care, she would die anyway. She watched as his face twisted in pain and she pierced him a second time. His time he whimpered falling to the floor in a pool of his own blood.

She pierced him again and again until all she saw were lifeless eyes looking up at her. Ethan Landry was dead and Avery Elizabeth Addams was the one to do it.

Avery's body collapsed to the floor beside Ethan's. She looked to her left and saw him laying there, all she remembered before it went black was the faint sound of sirens blaring in the distance.

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