Chapter 2

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"MINDY!! ANIKA!!" I shouted as I stumbled over to them, jumping on the couch beside them.

"Ave, are you drunk?!" Mindy exclaimed, trying to hide her laugh from me. Ok, maybe I had a bit too much to drink but it's fun so fuck it.

"Here have some water" Anika kindly passed me her water from the table and I slowly sipped on it.

"I'm getting flashbacks" I slurred and Anika's eyes shined with interest and worry.

"It doesn't bother you two?" Anika asked Mindy and I. "Being at a house party after you were nearly brutally murdered at a house party?"

"No, I think of it like being struck by lightning. Odds of it happening twice to the same person are extremely low" Mindy explained while I nodded in agreement. She has a solid point.

"Well I should stick with you two then" She says bringing herself closer to Mindy. When they got together I was so excited for them, they're most definitely soulmates.

Deciding not to become a third wheel I walk off towards the back room where I'm assuming Chad is. Shuffling through the crowds of drunk collage students was a hard task, especially when I'm drunk, as well as over half the people in this room.

I arrive to see Chad and Ethan Landry taking shots, but not to my surprise I see Ethan spit it out into the shot glass again.

"Can you seriously not take a shot?" I laugh and he goes red at the fact I caught him in a weak moment.

If I'm being honest, I don't know much about Chad's roommate. Of course he is in our apartment 80% of the time but he is never one to make much conversation with me but I have to say he is very intriguing.

"We need to introduce you to some girls!" Chad suggests looking around the room for a worthy candidate.

"Avery a little help here" He asks and I point over to a girl in a Harry potter costume, she is pretty I guess.

"What about her?" I say smirking as this would be funny.

"She's gorgeous but-" He stutters trying to say no. "Sorry my dude no backing out" I laugh sending him a wink at the same time. I really must be drunk.

"You've got to have confidence, look at you my man. You're a snack!" Chad exclaims punching him in the chest and Ethan laughed.

"Hey excuse me!" I shout over to the girl slightly stumbling while leaning on Chad.

"My friend here he's a snack right?" Chad finishes my sentence and the fact he said 'snack' makes me want to vomit all over him. Who says snack?

Unfortunately, the girl gives an awkward smile back and shrugs slowly turning back to her friends who are laughing. Chad is right though, Ethan is good looking I suppose.

"How was that?" Ethan asked nervously, making eye contact with me.

"eh, it's not bad" Chad says tilting his head. I feel a bit sick.

"There's room for improvement" He smiled sweetly at him. Something is definitely going on in my stomach.

Suddenly Anika pops up behind us and says "big guy your needed" and we all follow her like a leader.

We enter the main hall and see Tara walking up the stairs hand in hand with the biggest man whore in our year. Frankie. Great decision making Tara, even I'm drunk and wouldn't let him lay a finger on me. God knows what you would catch.

"Hey partner, Tara's good down here" Chad tries to be Tara's saviour but to no avail.

"Sorry bro I don't think I caught that" Frankie walks down a step closer to Chad, I do feel a bit sickly. "Yeah you did"

"No chad, it's okay" Tara says and I give her my pity eyes which she so obviously avoids. This will be a big mistake on her part.

Then Frankie tries to bring Tara upstairs but she falls in the process and Chad erupts in anger.

"Get your fucking hands off her" He shouts pulling Frankie down the stairs and pushing him aside. God I'm going to be sick.

"Sorry to interrupt, but I'm just going to tease you in the balls real quick" Sam enters the room and whips out a black taser striking Frankie in his private areas. Ouch that's got to hurt like a bitch. He fell to the floor with a thud and I feel the vomit rising from my stomach.

"God I'm going-" I hardly get out my sentence before I puke all over Frankie on the floor and the whole room goes silent. Great one Avery, great one.

"You fucking bitch!" He screamed almost making me laugh until I puke up a bit more of the contents of my stomach.

Someone puts a plant pot in front of me and I look up to see Ethan smiling sadly at me. He pulls my hair out of my face and caresses my back slowly while I vomit my guts up. At least it was an eventful night.


Ethan helps me walk down the block, steading my walk while the two Carpenter sisters bicker and fight again. This is a weekly occurrence.

"That guy was a dick Tara. He was going to take advantage of you!" Sam tried to reason but failed miserably.

"So if I want to hook up with an asshole that's my decision!" She exclaimed back and after that I zoned out as all I wanted was to get back to my cosy and warm fluffy bed.

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