Chapter 10

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How did I end up in Chad and Ethan's dorm room? It's a long story which starts with tv and ends with Gale Weathers. She really doesn't know when to stop.

"How's your arm?" Ethan asked as I took off my jacket revealing my bandaged arm.

"Nothing I haven't dealt with before" I laugh it off not wanting to discuss the other night. I wasn't physically injured badly (if you don't count the glass that sliced into my arm) but mentally I'm really going to be drained by the end of this week. That's if I don't die in the meantime.

"Want to watch tv?" He offers a place on the couch beside him, I nod and slowly make my way over to him.

"Anything but a horror movie please" I joke even though I'm not really joking. I feel like my life is a horror movie these days, no need to watch other fictional peoples.

"How about Greys anatomy?" He says while clicking over to it on the screen. I smile to myself, I love that show.

"That's my favourite" I say turning to face him and he does the same. "Me too"

"Ave I-" I sharply cut him off by saying "fuck it" and smashing my lips on to his and bringing myself closer towards him.

I mean if I'm going to die I may as well have a hot make out session with the cute dorky guy that lives across the building.


"I should probably get back" I say getting my jacket and heading towards the door.

"Avery wait" Ethan stops me my grabbing my hand and turning me around. He pulls me towards him and plants a soft kiss on my lips.

"Now you can go" He says and it gave me butterflies, I'm not going to lie.

"Oh shit, I'm late for econ!" He panics and grabs his bag locking the door behind him.

"Have fun with that" I laugh at him panicking over a class, he walks me over to my building and leaves me at the door.

I walk into the apartment smiling to myself, I can't let myself like someone. Not after last time.

"Why are you so chirpy?" Mindy asks smirking and soon everyone is crowded around me like I'm a celebrity.

I basically freeze on the spot as all of their eyes are waiting for answer. "No reason"

"Oh. My. God. AVERY ELIZABETH ADDAMS HAD A MAKE OUT SESSION WITH ETHAN!" Mindy screamed across the apartment and I'm sure the neighbours could hear her at this point.

"Finally he scored!" Chad put his arms up in celebration, god this is embarrassing. I'm most definitely red now. Great.

This was a fun day but little did I know the night was just beginning and the night was a very scary place in New York City.

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