Chapter 11

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"In the wake of the Woodsboro killings, a rumour surfaced online that Carpenter was actually responsible for the killings. Blaming the crimes on her boyfriend Richie Kirsch and teen Amber Freeman" The news reporter on the tv said. God the media have no respect, they've crossed the line with that one.

I thought the news people weren't supposed to report or believe the conspiracy theories. Sam turned the TV off and we all looked at her in pity, even though it probably makes her feel worse.

Suddenly it the air around me got very warm, I needed some fresh air.

"I'm going to get some fresh air, I'll be right-" I stop myself before saying the last bit of the sentence, everyone knows it's a death wish.

Mindy pointed at me and laughed as she realised what I had almost said. "I'll be a minute" I laugh and smile while walking down the steps of the apartment block.

The cold air hit my face and it was refreshing. If ghost face really wanted to kill me now, I'm right out in the open for him. Fuck it.

My phone rings in my back pocket of my jeans and it makes me jump. It comes up as an unknown number and I decide to answer it anyway, that was probably a mistake on my behalf.

"Hello Avery" The voice I'm all too familiar with speaks on the other side of the phone. What'd I say?

"You can't just let a girl get some fresh air in peace?" I ask not really wanting to play his stupid games any longer.

"Peace isn't really my thing. How about I see what your insides look like?" Ghostface replies but it doesn't really faze me.

"Blah blah blah, look asshole I've heard this shit before" I'm so done with conversation, whoever this person is I can't wait until they're dead and out of our lives forever.

"I'm gonna hang up now. Have a nice night!" I say with sarcastic happiness in my tone. Every phone call with shit heads like these ones are all so predictable. Next he'll be giving me a reason to why I shouldn't hang up and threaten me.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you. Quinn wouldn't appreciate it" and there it is, the threat and the reason behind it.

My phone dings and the unknown number sends me a picture of Quinn. In her bedroom. Fuck I need to get back inside!

"Move and I'll gut her like I did with Jason and Greg" The voice warns and suddenly I'm sent into panic mode. What do I do? He's obviously watching me in the darkness but where is the question of the hour.

"How about we play a game?" He evilly laughs and it sends shivers down my spine. Not again. I don't reply and go dead silent.

"Forget watching slashers you get to be in one!" Ghostface taunts and it sends me into a panic. My breathing quickens and I can feel my heartrate increase with every second.

"Mindy's the expert it's not me" My voice cracks hoping he hasn't done anything to Quinn or the others.

"Warm up question! Jason's weapon?" He asks and my mind goes into overdrive.

"It's- it's a machete" I stutter hoping it's the right answer for everyone's sake. "You see? You do know horror movies"

"Leather face?"

"It was a chainsaw please don't make me do this!" I beg and tears start to form in my eyes.

"Name the movie that started the slasher craze" His voice darkens even further. This mother fucker is enjoying this.

"Fuck you" I spit through the phone at the unknown psychopath. "Is that the answer you're going with?" He laughs.

"Psycho" I shout out and I'm wondering how none of the people passing by have noticed my terrified face.

"WRONG! Peeping Tom 1960" He laughs and I look up at the apartment. No screaming yet. My face is wet with tears, their lives are in my hands and I've just messed it up.

"Give me another question" I start shaking while looking around frantically to see where this asshole is and why I haven't been attacked yet. "Just one more"

"Alright Avery. Then here is your last chance question" He starts and purposely dragged out my name. "Name the movie that of which the villian-"

"Halloween. Texas Chainsaw. Dawn of the dead. The hills have eyes. Amity hill horror. Last house on the left. Friday the thirteenth. Nightmare on elm street. Ready or not. My bloody valentine. Prom night. Black Christmas. Psycho. And- and piranha" I say listing off every single horror movie I think of out loud, hoping that it's one of them. It has to be right?

"It's one of those right?" I say my confidence coming back through a little bit. He wants me to be a scared little girl, well not anymore.

There's silence on the other end of the line and suddenly it cuts off. "I was fucking right"

With that I run as fast as I could up the stairs towards the apartment.

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