Chapter 3

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"So Quinn told me she cockblocked you" I raise my eyebrows at a very guilty looking Tara. My head was still thumping from last night and I felt like I was physically dying but nevertheless it was a fun one.

"Stop using that word!" Tara shouted putting her hands over her reddened face. I knew it.

"You like him! You like him a lot!" I exclaimed while a smile grew on my face of happiness for my best friend. She hasn't liked anyone since- well you know who.

"Enough about me! What about you and Ethan?" Tara smirked and I rolled my eyes while taking a huge bite out of my homemade pizza. It was very good pizza.

"Ethan? As in Ethan Landry? As in-" Laundry boy. I started but got interrupted by Tara as she knew what I would say next.

"Ok. Ok. I get it, I think he has a thing for you though" She shrugged while heading over to help Chad with the dishes.

The two chatted and I threw my plate over to Tara, which in return I got a annoyed look from her. Anika sat on the couch watching tv while Mindy did whatever Mindy does. Suddenly Jason's picture comes up on the Tv staring back at us.

"Uh guys?" I question it and all of a sudden the headline pops up. What. The. Fuck? No not again. This can't be happening again, I've dealt with enough near death experiences in the past year. No need for anymore.

"Holy shit that's that dude from our film studies class" Mindy exclaimed pointing at the tv and Sam's eyes widened at the screen.

"Also found at the scene where various ghost face costumes, a character popularized by the stab franchise" The news reporter said and we all looked at each other with fear in our eyes.

"Pack a bag, we leave in ten" Sam announced and for once I agreed with her on the subject.

"Sam wait Sam!" Tara chased her out of the room into the kitchen.

"Thank you very much suspicious new guy, I think we've got it from here" Chad pushed the cute guy from across the hall back into the hallway and closing the door behind him. Chad may have a point, he could be suspicious.

"Let's talk about this for a second! This might out have anything to do with us" Tara said emotionally making me roll my eyes. I'd rather get out of this death trap than die sitting waiting for ghostface to show up.

"Are you serious!?" Sam questioned making all of the heads in the room whip around to the two sisters. Here we go again...

"It's a big city! Its Halloween everybody's wearing masks!" Tara shouted back at Sam to which she looked back with worry shining in her eyes.

"Tara this isn't a coincidence, you knew him!"

"Chad, Mindy and Avery back me up" She turned and asked us. God don't get us involved.

"I mean it is a little bit-" Chad started. "Close to home" Mindy and I said in unison with each other.

"But Quinn your dads a cop right?" Tara hopefully turned to Quinn awaiting an answer. "Can you call him and ask what's going on? Before Sam makes the unilateral decision to abandon my college education and flee the fucking state!"

"Calm down Tara" I say trying to cool down the situation while Quinn rings her dad.

Suddenly the noise of a phone makes us all jump and we stand in shock staring at it...

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