I Love You

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Alex was really nervous in this moment, he was sitting on the patio with Zack after having a fun and eventful day with Zack and Everly. Zack had decided to treat the three of them to a weekend away at a cabin on a lake in upstate New York. The cabin belongs to Jack's family. Jack decided to kindly let Zack and Alex borrow it for the weekend. As no one was going to be there.

Alex and Jack had really grown to be very good friends. Alex was so grateful that Zack's best friend was a gem of a human. In fact, Zack gets a little bit jealous in an adorable way... Because Jack and Alex seem to have more inside jokes than Zack and Jack do at this point.

Alex is really nervous because he was ready to tell Zack he loved him for the first time. But Alex was so worried and scared. Although...Zack never gave him a reason to be. Alex has just been so hurt in the past, he always has lingering doubts.

They were sitting in two seperate deck chairs on the back patio facing the lake. The moon reflected perfectly off the lake, casting a beautiful glow. The two men were talking quietly as the room Everly was sleeping in was right behind them. They were laughing and holding hands as they gazed up at the stars together.

To Alex, looking at the stars with someone you love is the most romantic thing in the world. He was fascinated with space. It was another reason he loved Zack. Zack never made him feel childish about it. Most people think Alex's space and star facts are stupid.

Alex broke his gaze away from the beautiful night sky and looked over at his strikingly beautiful boyfriend. The reflection of the moon twinkling in his eyes.

"Did you know the Milky Way is packed full of a chemical known as ethyl formate? It makes it smell like rum, raspberries, and booze." Alex said softly as he sipped on his wine with his free hand that wasn't intertwined with Zack's.

Zack grinned as he took in the information. "Well, I guess that explains why stargazing always makes me thirsty." He sipped from his glass of wine as a symbolic movement of what he just said.

Alex laughed at the simplicity of the moment. "I knew there was a reason we decided to bring a bottle of wine out here."

Zack winked. "And here I thought it was just for the romantic atmosphere."

Alex smirks "Oh, it is. But a little cosmic cocktail doesn't hurt, right?"

Zack laughed at the adorable little anecdotes from Alex. "Absolutely not. Especially when I'm sharing it with someone as intoxicating as you."

Alex rolled his eyes. "You are so cheesy.come here."

Alex leaned forward beckoning Zack to close the space between them. Zack listened. He leaned forward and his lips met Alex's in a romantic and soft kiss.

Alex hummed contentedly as he sat back in his chair. Intertwining his hand with Zack's once again.

As they sat in comfortable silence, Alex decided there was no better moment. He gets up and joins Zack on the deck chair he is sitting on, Zack moves his outstretched legs to accommodate Alex, and he sits up so Alex has his full attention.

Alex took Zack's hand, heart pounding as he settled between Zack's legs. "Zack, there's something I've been meaning to tell you..."

Alex paused, and Zack held his breath. Worried about what Alex would say next. "Zack... I love you. I am deeply in love with you. With every beat of my heart, every breath I take, it's you."

Zack let out the breath he was holding, and his eyes widened , as a smile spread across his face . "Alex... I love you too. More than words can express."

Alex slowly leaned in, their breath mingling. "You're my everything, Zack. My anchor in a chaotic world, my guiding star in the darkest nights. And seeing how much love you have for Everly, it only makes me love you more."

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