Do You Love My Daddy?

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Everly was sitting underneath Alex's desk. She liked to hide under there. And tickle Alex's feet pretending she was a little monster.

"I get you."she giggled

Alex fake yelped. "Oh no. Not the monster!"

Everly started to tickle his leg over his pants and they both giggled as they played the game quietly.

All of the ladies in the office have been stopping by to say hi to Everly. The toddler was enjoying all the attention. She had gotten candy from Felicity several times.

After their little game. Alex sat the three year old on an empty spot in his desk. His desk was an L shape and one side of it was chronically empty because Alex hated his space being messy.

Dina walked up and Everly smiled and made grabby hands.

"Miss Dina! Hi!" She said with a smile. She knew her as Uncle Ri's friend that worked with Daddy.

"Hey Evie. Want to come hang out with me for a bit. Give your daddy some quiet until your babysitter gets here?" Dina said as she picked Everly up.

Alex waived goodbye while he worked. And mouthed Thank You to Dina.

She winked back.

Everly rambled as Dina started to carry her off. "Yes! Daddy's special friend Zack is watching me today. Is he nice?" She asked Dina as they started to walk away. Alex tuned into hear the response.

Dina laughed lightly. "Of course he is nice! Him and Uncle Ri hang out at the gym all the time and he likes your daddy, so anyone who likes your daddy must be great!"

Alex saw Everly nodded furiously out of the corner of his eye. "Yes because Daddy is the best."

Alex about melted at how sweet and kind his girl was.

As Alex returned to his work, the elevator opened. Alex smiled to greet the patron. "Hello, Welcome to.."

Alex paused as he saw it was Zack. He was wearing a muscle tank and shorts, with a pair of vans. His typical "lazy day" attire.

Alex loved Zack's "lazy day" attire. It meant he could shamelessly look at every muscle or tattoo that covered his boyfriend's body.

"Hi babe." Alex said with a lip bite and then a smile. Kissing Zack quickly as he approached Alex's desk.

"Hey handsome." Zack said with a lip bite as he looked Alex up and down in his Khakis and dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up.

"Have I ever told you how handsome you look in your business attire. Those khakis give me a great view of your butt." Zack said quietly.

Alex blushed. "Zachary!" He said in a hushed tone. playfully hitting Zack's chest.

Zack winced. "Full first name! I better be careful."

Alex winked. "You better."

Alex continued. "Let me introduce you to Evie! My adorable, yet troublesome three-year-old. She's currently with Dina. She just came and stole her from my desk."

Zack smiled as Alex took him by the hand and led him further into his office building. Normally when Zack meets Alex at his work whether they're going on a date or any other reason... He never makes it past the lobby because Alex is always expecting him.

As they walked past some people, Zack heard some whispers of "oh my god. who is that?" Or He heard someone whisper: "Alex, Got himself a cute one!" He did hear one of the ladies in the office say "What a hunk that guy is."

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