Vol. 2 Chp. 6: Sudou's Trial

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"Let's get going," Chabashira-sensei stated.

"This isn't taking place in the faculty room. Is it?"

Chabashira-sensei shook her head, "Nope, this school has complicated rules, but in cases such as these, a settlement is reached between the homeroom teacher of the class in question, the concerned parties, and the student council."

Horikita froze when she heard that it was in the student council room. Chabashira-sensei glanced sharply at her, "If you want to stop, here's your chance."

Sudou didn't understand what was going on.

Chabashira-sensei would reveal this information at the last second. She wants to see if Horikita has the conviction to continue.

"I'll go."

Student Council room

Horikita winced as she followed us. Inside, long tables were arranged in a rectangular formation. Three students from Class C had already arrived and were seated. Beside them sat a bespectacled male teacher in his 30s.

"Sorry, we're late," Chabashira-sensei said.

"It's before the scheduled start time. There's no need for apologies."

"Have you already met?"

We have never met this man.

"This is Sakagami-sensei, the homeroom teacher for Class C. Now, then."

A lone male student sat in the back of the room, attracting everyone's attention.

"This is the student council president."

Horikita's older brother didn't spare a glance at his sister. Horikita briefly directed her gaze at her brother until she wasn't his focus, lowering her eyes and sitting down before the Class C students.

"We will now hold deliberations regarding last Tuesday's violent incident. I, Tachibana, will preside as student council secretary."

Chabashira-sensei was the first to speak, "The student council president, coming in over a little brawl like this, huh? Wonders never ceased, I suppose."

"Due to my busy schedule, there are some agendas I'm forced to miss participating in. As a rule, though, I do attend," Manabu said.

"So, it's a coincidence?" Chabashira-sensei asked.


Horikita kept her head low since we entered the student council room.

If this was going to happen, Hirata or Kushida should've gone in her stead.

"To both sides: I wish to ascertain which version of the events is the truth. Is that acceptable, President?"

"Begin," Manabu ordered.

Tachibana opened the notebook she was holding. 

"Komiya and the other two, you insist you were called to Special Annex by Sudou and then attacked by him. Sudou denied this, insisting that Komiya was the one who had called him there. Your versions of the events are contradictory. There is only one fact we can be certain of the aggressor, Sudou, injured Komiya, Kondou, and Ishizaki. They are the victims."

"Those guys are lying. I was the one who got called over to the building. That day, after practice, Komiya and Kondou asked me to go to the Special Annex Building. It was annoying, but I thought it might've been because they were always hostile toward me. So, I went to meet them."

I noticed that Horikita was trembling.

"That's a lie. Sudou-kun called us over to the building."

"Don't screw with me, Komiya! You were the one who called me, you jerk!" Sudou is getting frustrated.

COTE: A Mute GuyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora