episode 3:starved for help pt.1

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3RD PERSON POV: Rain and Y/n casually strode through an empty town. Barely any walkers in sight, but that doesn't mean they aren't there. A fact Y/n learned after leaving the others after the store was overrun by Walkers. Having met up with another group of Survivers, with a man named Rick in charge and stuck with them before leaving a month later, although he didn't want to, nor did the group want a eight year old kid on his own. They understood that he could handle himself

Y/n looked at the map in his hands, various X's crossed out on various areas. And now simply went towards where he guessed Lee and the others to be. The boy had been looking for them since leaving Rick and his group, well more like he was looking for someone specifically. But that's not important right now

Y/n:okay, Girl. You can stop here

The boy pet the horse lightly on her neck as Rain let out something close to a sigh of relief as Y/n got off her and gently lead the mar to a resting spot near a building and grabbed a large bottle of water with Rain's name on it and poured the water into a large container that was with his supplies

Just before he left. Rick and the others where kind enough to teach Y/n various survival skills and even gave him supplies that would last him for months. They even offered him a sadle for Rain, but Y/n refused, seeing as how Rain nor he liked having anything tied around themselves, makes them relive some things they don't want to

Y/n:I'll be back girl

The boy gently stroked the mare who neighed while drinking some water as Y/n easily climbed up to the roof of the building and simply took his hood off. Reveling a scare over his right eye and a smaller scar on the left corner of his lip, having gained such scars with a few encounters of thugs and cannibals, almost being killed by a family of them, only for Y/n to feed them to walkers as payment for scaring his eye. His vibrant red eye scanning the area around him. As his longer snow white hair blew gently in the wind alongside his Clark as he rested his arm against his knee

Y/n would reach behind himself and pulled out a pair of binoculars and simply scanned the woods and took a quick glance down at the watch on his wrist. Having also been taught how time works by a priest named Gabriel and how to handle a gun by Rick and Daryl

Y/n would notice a someone running through the woods and quickly recognized the blue shirt to be Lee's and put the binoculars away before he cought something in the corner of his eye to see someone reaching for the rope around Rain's neck and quickly pulled out a SIG-Sauer P320 XFIVE legion he had strapped to his thigh and immediately shot the person in the hand

Rain barely even reacted, knowing her rider had the situation under control as Y/n landing infront of the person and immediately aimed his pistol at them as the person, now revealed to be a thug of some sorts, kept their hands up, seeing as how they where at gun point

Thug:I-I don't want any trouble man...!

The boy would slowly walk towards the man that slowly backed away as Y/n looked down at the badge that peeked through the man's open jacket

Y/n:you a Fly?

From what Y/n learned while with Rick, apparently in certain states, maybe even countries, there where people who called themselves "Fireflies", a resistance group that immediately went crumbling down the moment the outbreak starting going worst

Firefly:ye-yeah I'm a Firefly.

The man glanced off to the side as Y/n took a way more subtle and unnoticed glance and saw the glare of a scope and then glanced back to see the guy reaching for a weapon behind him as Y/n stopped mid step and quickly turned to the sniper and pulled the trigger as the bullet flew through the air, hitting the guy through the scope as the gun fired and shot at the floor as the Fly lunged at Y/n with a knife only for Y/n to back step while grabbing his wrist as the man smacked Y/n gun out his hand and tried grabbing the child

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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