Chapter III: New Bonds

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In the morning, Evangeline woke up. However, she wasn't sleeping on the sofa that she had fallen asleep on. She had been brought to a bedroom of her own. The bed she was in wasn't hard or creaky, but rather soft and comforting. The room itself was quite warm feeling, with the walls having a cozy, pastel yellow paint. She was in one of the bedrooms on the second floor of the bookshop. Evangeline got up out of bed and decided to look around the room.

After a bit of rummaging, Evangeline managed to find some very comfy clothes; a light pink sweater with a white collared shirt underneath, a black skirt, white knee high socks, and little black shoes. Evangeline stood in front of a little mirror in her new room and twirled around, giggling like a little schoolgirl. She felt safe...was this what that felt like? After a moment, Evangeline heard a knock at the door, followed by a voice. Crowley's voice.

"Evangeline?" Crowley called out with an uncharacteristically gentle tone, "You awake, lass?"
"I'm awake!" Evangeline replied, looking back towards the door.

With that, Crowley opened the door. He was wearing pretty much the same outfit he wore yesterday...although, he didn't have his sunglasses on, which showed off his yellow eyes with slitted pupils. Evangeline stepped back at first, startled when she finally saw what Crowley's eyes really looked like. Crowley realized this and sighed, shaking his head at himself.

"Right..." Crowley muttered to himself "Forgot to tell you..."
"...What?" Evangeline tilted her head, confused at what Crowley meant.
"Okay, so...oh god, how do I say this in a way you'd understand..." the demon muttered, running a hand through his hair.

Evangeline still kept looking up at Crowley, confused and slightly afraid...

"So, essentially..." Crowley hesitated before continuing. "I'm...not exactly human."
"Then...what are you?" Evangeline asked.
"A demon, lass," Crowley replied. "I'm a demon."
"But...demons are supposed to be mean," Evangeline said, her innocent little eyes staring up at Crowley. "You're not mean..."

Normally, that sort of a comment would get on Crowley's nerves. He WAS a demon, and he was far from good...but the way Evangeline said it was just so sweet, it melted his heart. With a sigh, Crowley shook his head. "Look, the point is that me and my uh..." he paused, not knowing how he could describe Aziraphale properly (or to a child), "And my "partner," aren't human. He's an angel, I'm a demon."

"...That's okay!" Evangeline said after a moment.
"It's...okay?" Crowley repeated with a raised eyebrow.
"Yeah!" Evangeline replied with a bright smile "You're both really kind to me-! And I feel safe...!"

Crowley chuckled softly at Evangeline's sweet words. This little girl had really been having an affect on the demon, and, to be fair, he didn't really mind it...

"That's good, now c'mon, Evangeline," Crowley finally said, holding out his hand to the little girl "We're gonna go out for breakfast today."

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