Chapter II: The Decision

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After Crowley had brought little Evangeline back to Aziraphale's bookshop, the demon had given the child a proper meal to eat (which was just a bowl of some soup and a hot chocolate). Aziraphale had chimed in as well, helping by using just the tiniest miracle to help speed up the healing process of the cuts on Evangeline's legs, although, he still needed to put some little bandages on the cuts, for the healing process wasn't sped up enough. A while later, the little girl had fallen asleep, and was wrapped in a blanket and placed on a sofa closer to the back of the bookshop. Aziraphale sighed before looking over at Crowley.

"Where did you find her?" Aziraphale asked his demon companion.
"St. James park. The little one was feeding the ducks..." Crowley replied, taking off his sunglasses as he looked back at Evangeline with a cool but concerned expression.

Aziraphale sighed again, pinching the bridge of his nose. "You know that Heaven and Hell won't like this at all, Crowley...we could be in serious trouble."
"But we've been in much worse trouble before, angel," Crowley retorted, "We can handle this...besides, we can't leave the little one all by herself, can we?"

Aziraphale looked back at the sleeping girl, sighing softly. Crowley was felt wrong to just leave such an innocent child alone, with no parents or safe place to stay. However, Aziraphale knew the risks of an angel like him or a demon like Crowley becoming so attached to a human, even though Evangeline was a child...and he was already on very thin ice with Heaven to begin with, and the same went for Crowley and Hell.

"Oh, alright," Aziraphale finally said, his gaze returning back to Crowley. "We can keep the little one least until we find her parents and-"
"No." Crowley said, cutting the angel off.
"...What?" Aziraphale asked, not sure if he heard Crowley right.
"We're not giving her back to her parents."
"I...just have a hunch that- I don't think they treated her well..." Crowley trailed off, his gaze softening as he looked back at Evangeline.

Aziraphale realized that the demon could be onto something. Besides, why would a little girl be alone on the streets for four days, and be dirty and hurt if her parents were good ones?

"...Fine. She'll stay with us for now."

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