🔥 Ignacio x Female!Reader 🔥

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Author's Note:
Ok for a bit of context, you are a member of the cult and went along with Ignacio when he set John's house on fire. You two live together as well, kinda like roommates that you pretend don't exist.
Also Ignacio is bilingual because I said so

This program has been brought to you by:  The Five Swimmy Fishies
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There was nothing but darkness as you both entered the room, only the mere dim-lit moonlight from the window is all you had to see, and even so, there was barely any at all.

You suddenly heard Ignacio trip over something, causing you to wince at the loud banging noise he had caused as you walked towards the bulletin board, and a couple curses under his breath.

You pulled out a box of matches and took one out, you lit the match, which allowed a small sum of light to flow near you. The warmth cling to your face desperately, before you threw the match over the bulletin board, getting rid of all the contents it included.

"Okay, let's get the fuck outta here," Ignacio muttered as he quickly recovered from his fall, "I still don't understand why they made the two of us do this, they couldn't have just sent one?" He mumbled, watching the flame grow bigger and bigger all around them.

"Hey, I didn't want you to be here any more than you wanted me to be here, but I guess it's just like that sometimes—" you retorted before you stepped on the familiar red fabric of your long crimson robe, causing you to inevitably fall over and cause yet another loud bang.

Ignacio jumped at that, and stared at you with widened eyes. Of course, you couldn't see them, with both the hood over his head and the limited light filling the room.

"Levántate perra, tenemos que irnos," he said urgently, it seems as if the fire was getting a bit out of hand, you could feel the warmth of the flames returning to tickle at your skin, "vamos, pendeja!"

However, you suddenly felt a hard sting, a sensation you had never felt before.

Holy shit you were burning—

You let out a yelp, Ignacio however, was unaware of you catching fire and held out a hand to pull you up. This, had backfired (no pun intended), and you both had quickly set aflame.

He let out a yell of urgency, before he quickly grabbed a book off from one of the shelves behind you and smashed the window open to quickly get out. However, it didn't exactly help that John's house was surrounded with several patches of very-much dead, very-much flammable, grass.

You immediately followed him out and threw your hoodie off of yourself, stomping on it to quickly set out the flame.

"Fucking shit!" You yelled, as the fire finally started to tone down. The fire in the house, however, didn't plan on stopping anytime soon.

Ignacio, on the other hand, was still on fire and rolling on the ground. Although, he eventually began to stop moving. You walked over to him, gently nudging his shoulder with your foot.

"You alive?—"

"Shut the fuck up and help me."

You sighed, and picked up whatever was left of your torn, burnt robe. You threw the hood over your head and helped Ignacio off the ground.

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