🥩Bob x Reader🥩

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Author's note:
Alrighty, NOW this one takes place when Bob is a serial killer
Also this one is gonna be long as fuck, so make sure to get a snack or a drink and get into a comfy position before you begin reading. :)
Nah cuz we're legit about to go through an entire goddamn episode-
I hope you enjoy

You felt the cold and sharp knife against your skin as he placed it against your throat. You knew this was your very end, but hey, at least you knew it was gonna be you instead of someone else.
You glued your eyes shut, preparing to die.

Now..You may be wondering how the hell you even got into this situation in the first place, and soon you'll find out.
But first, let's rewind back to October 30. The day before Halloween.
(Before you get into this, I warn you that the good parts don't start until basically the very end- so you can skip all the other shit if you'd like)

You had finally moved to a new town, a new place, and a new start. You could put your old life behind you and open to a new chapter..You were ready. Though, yes, you knew it was stupid for you to move to a new place the day before a very special holiday, you didn't care.

You lived in a two story house in a pretty big neighborhood, with lots of children, you may add. You could even hear some of them running around right outside your house as you unpacked your things.
Your bedroom was finally finished! A few shelves to hold up some framed photos, a walk-in closet to store all your clothes, and a twin sized bed in one of the far corners of your bedroom. It was perfect. You'd probably decorate it later, but now it was time to relax.

You walked down the stairs and went into the living room, turning on your small tv. You'd like to get a new one soon since you've had this one for a while now.
You flipped through networks, trying to find a good show to watch, nothing really seemed interesting right now, so it was pretty boring. You heard a light knock on the door, you walked over.

You opened it, "Yes?" You said as the door swung open.
It was a woman. She had long purple hair, and wore dark purple dress that went all the way down to her lower thigh, and her long shoulder-less sleeves going down to her wrists.
And next to her, was a young boy that shared most of her features, he had short purple hair and a skeleton sweatshirt on.

"Hello! Nice to meet you. I'm Lila, and this is my son, Skid. We're your new neighbors!" The lady said. "Pleasure to meet you too ma'am, the name is y/n." You say.
"Hello ms/mr y/n!" The boy, who you now know as Skid, waved to you. You gave him a small wave back. "Well we just wanted to say hi, introduce ourselves, y'know all that!" She said, you let out a small chuckle and nodded.

You both shook hands firmly.
"And..Maybe, if you're interested..How about you come over later?" Lila asked.
"I'd love to." You say, "Really? That's great!" She replied. "Well, we'll see you around."

"Alrighty, buh-bye!" You say, "Goodbye ms/mr y/n!" Skid said before you closed the door. You were glad to know you're already making friends in this place neighborhood, you were off to a good start! This was great.

You sighed, walking back off to the living room and continuing to look through the channels currently playing on tv.

'Hmm..Maybe I should go out and buy some candy. After all, Halloween is tomorrow.' You thought, turning off the tv.

You grabbed your coat and your house key, going back to the door, slipping on your shoes and leaving the house. Obviously locking it before going.

✰ 𝘚𝘱𝘰𝘰𝘬𝘺 𝘔𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘩 𝘖𝘯𝘦𝘚𝘩𝘰𝘵𝘴 ✰Where stories live. Discover now