Breaking Down Walls

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A/N: I am so sorry about the long wait! I started abusing my prescription pills and now I'm addicted. But the two-month supply I had saved up is now gone, so I'm just here to suffer, skipping days and saving up so I can take a bunch at once. :')

Other than that, I started RPing, and I've been addicted to that, too. So... yeah... I don't really have the energy to write out everything that's been going on in my life. Just know that even if I did the excuses wouldn't be adequate! :D

I wrote the first seven pages of this like a month ago now, so I apologize if that's obvious.

I also haven't slept in two days. (I woke up on Monday, it is now Wednesday afternoon.) So even though I feel like I can only function when I don't sleep, I apologize if the writing quality suffers due to that. I just knew I needed to get this out for my king/queen Askora <3

(I may or may not have fallen asleep for a solid ten minutes sitting up while writing this.)

Also, I feel like this entire chapter is just angst for no reason(?) The food scene was written right after I woke up from that ten minute eepy time, and I was disoriented AF. X_X The scene is inspired by a part of my RP where my insecure chubby OC eats too much. But instead of just fucking breaking down, he makes himself throw up. Don't worry, that's not Deku... in this chappy at least. (I may or may not be debating giving him bulimia. Thoughts in the comments? Love it? Hate it? LMK!)

I also made some art (see below) like a month ago for this fic. It's set in this universe, but I can't see it ever being canon in the fic. The idea behind it was that KiriBakuTodo convinced Deku to wear girl's clothes. And ho boy, is that skirt short.

So the art is what Izu looks like in this 'verse. :) And as you can probably tell... I may have a thing for femboys.

Also, yes, Izu's got that much junk in the trunk. ;)

(The wrapping around Izuku's chest is to keep his wings hidden.)

With all of that out of the way, enjoy the steaming pile of freshly picked trash, my gremlins~ <3


Shouta released the spell that locked the alphas' doors and dispelled the enchantment that prevented them from hearing each other. Immediately, the sound of doors bursting open echoed down the hall, and three furious alpha vampires stumbled into the room one after the other. Their first concern was Izuku's safety, visually checking him for any signs of injury. Once satisfied that he was unharmed, they turned their attention to Shouta, near-feral growls ripping from deep within their throats.

They all stomped over to Shouta as one, gnashing their teeth in angry indignation. Shouta rolled his eyes at their behaviour, which only infuriated them further. "Calm down," he drawled.

"Calm down?!" Katsuki hissed, clenching and unclenching his fists. Izuku watched the display, genuinely fearing that he may attempt to strangle the man. "What did you do to him?!" He snarled, his voice low and dangerous. His growls were by far the most menacing, and had Shouta been any less powerful, he probably would have succumbed to fear at Katsuki's intimidating presence.

The overwhelming scent of the three angry alphas hit Izuku and he let out a small whine. Four pairs of eyes turned to him and he looked away nervously, feeling the weight of their collective attention and curling in on himself slightly.

It's funny how he turns from someone with enough killing intent and magic power to temporarily cripple a man in one second to a fearful little mouse the next, Shouta scoffed internally.

"Shit, Mido. We're not mad at you," Eijirou assured him quickly, his voice gentle. "Are you okay? Are you hurt? Did Mr. Aizawa do anything to you?" He fired the questions in rapid succession, worry lacing his tone.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 21 ⏰

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