Wedding planning part 2

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The next day...


T-Wake up! We have to meet Victoria in 20 minutes, so 15 minutes to eat and get ready!
L-ok, I'm up!
L-alright, I'll change and eat, do my makeup in the car, and shower later.
T-you don't need makeup your beautiful
L-your my boyfriend ofc your gonna say that
T-correction, fiancé
L-oh sorry, fiancé.

They get ready and go to meet the wedding planner.

V-hello, nice to see you again
V-today we will be taste testing some cake flavors to see which one you like.
L-alright, let's go
V-I'll bring out the cake flavors.*brings them out*, first up dark chocolate.
L-Oh no, that's to bitter
T-it's alright
L-No absolutely not.
T-alright next.
V-next up, milk chocolate.
L-better, but I'm not a big fan
T-meh, I like it but I feel it's not my thing...
V-white chocolate cake...
L-Mmm, so sweet!
T-too sweet 🥲

Yes, tim likes the bitter over too sweet.

V-ok, next the vanillas.
V-first Madagascar Vanilla.
L-so flavorful!
T-this is good!
V-ok great, French vanilla is next...
L&T-great, but not as good at the first.
V-next, red velvet.
T-there is no difference from the Madagascar Vanilla.
L-it's different colors
T-but it's the same thing
L-you just hate fun don't you.

Yup Tim just hates fun.

V-some other cakes, carrot cake?
L-yea no...
T-it's good
L-great, i know I'm married to someone who likes veggies in their cake.
V-maybe lemon cake?
L-ohh no...
T-yea nope.
V-coffee cake
L-also bitter
T-there are kids I don't think they will like it...
L-ooo that's good
V-lastly, matcha
L-not a fan

V-so have you guys made up your mind?
L-I like the strawberry
T-I like the Madagascar Vanilla
V-we can do both, one layer of each.
V-now frosting! Any colors in mind?
L-yea definitely white
V-any decorations?
L-flowers and yea.
V-great, I'll put your order in


L-amazing thank youV-here is the address to put in the $1500 cake payment and this one is for the 11,000 venue payment

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L-amazing thank you
V-here is the address to put in the $1500 cake payment and this one is for the 11,000 venue payment. The rest of the 14,000 you can slowly pay here for all setup, decor, food, and etc
T&L-perfect, thanks

They leave and go to the car

L-this is going to be so perfect I feel it!
T-the most important part is that I am going to be married to you!
L-aww, great! I'll wait for Angela and Nyla to take me dress shopping later
T-alright I'll wait for James and Wesley

At home Lucy suddenly got a text from Angela saying that they are outside and that James and Wesley are also ready for Tim.

L-TIM!! They're ready!!!

At the shop with Lucy

A-are you ready?
L-more ready than ever
N-it will be perfect
L-yes! Everything is going so smoothly right now
N-don't jinx it!
L-I won't!
A-when it was my wedding I thought that too, it ended up getting raided by the fbi
L-oh I remember that time said he brought a riot shield to protect himself.
N-damn, they are really scared of you
A-alright🙄, Lucy go try your dresses.

Lucy tries on over 20 dresses and doesn't like any of them so she starts to cry 😭.

On the phone
A-Tim, your fiancee here is crying help.
T-On my way! Wait 2 minutes

Angela and Nyla are franticly trying to calm Lucy down

With Ti


T-I got to go I'll be back!
Jm-wait where are you going
T-Lucy's crying!
T-I'll be back in 10, just wait
Jm-ok... he's gone...

Tom rushed over to Lucy...

T-Lucy are you ok?
L-I can't find a good dress😭
T-it's ok, we will go to all the shops in the whole world to find you that dress, it doesn't matter the cost or where you find it as long as you like it.
L-thank you
A-oh Bradford has turn soft.

Tim successfully calmed Lucy and went back to James and Wesley. Tim has tried on 18 suits but not one he thinks is perfect.

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