chapter - 11

461 30 2

3rd Person POV

Rathore Mansion

“At my office, NOW”

Aditya said and started walking towards his office. Kabir started following behind him. Vihaan got up from the sofa and started following them. He walk beside Kabir and whisper

“ Best of luck!!”

Kabir looked at him irritated. Vihaan gives him a cheeky grin. They entered the office. Aditya sits on the single sofa staring coldly at Kabir.

Vihaan stands beside Kabir lazily chewing on the chewing gum. Kabir gulped seeing Aditya's fierce gaze and look at Vihaan who doesn't give a fuck about it.

“ Explain!!” Aditya commands in his dominating voice.

Kabir turned his gaze towards Aditya and explained “ there were two guys who were stalking  the mansion for a few days. I thought today madam would be at home and decide to follow them.”

“ Did you catch them?” Aditya asked

Kabir looks down and shakes his head.

“ It was just a trap for me. They just wanted me to be out of the mansion.” Kabir said, clenching his jaw.

“ Did you really think I wouldn't know if someone is stalking the mansion?” Aditya asked coldly.

Aditya was just back from his business trip and he has gone straight to his company. He has just entered his office when he gets a call from his bodyguard that Ridhima has left the mansion without a bodyguard.

Aditya knew his enemies were at the door waiting for a chance to attack and this was the best chance for them to capture Ridhima. And it came true when he got a call that someone was following Ridhima.

He left the office raging in anger. Someone has gave some important information of his company at the aboard to his enemy because of which his company has face a big loss. He hasn't taken a rest in 11 days and now this. It was only adding fuel to his anger. He left for the Rathore Mansion as he got to know that Isha has called Vihaan and he has gone to take Ridhima back.

He reached the mansion and saw everyone was already at the hall except Ansh and Rudra. He knew his impact on the family. He didn't say anything, just looked at the eyes of everyone one by one and sat down at the sofa waiting for Ridhima.

Kabir immediately looked at him with a frown. Vihaan just shakes his head at Aditya.

“ Then you should have told him beforehand, then he wouldn't have gone behind them,” Vihaan said accusingly to Aditya.

Aditya raised his one eyebrows at Vihaan.

“ Whatever, “ Vihaan said, rolling his eyes.

“ Sorry boss, I will be more careful next time. I will accept whatever punishment you would give me.” Kabir said bowing in front of Aditya.

“ I'm leaving you this time but if this happens again next time, I will have your head in my hand.” Aditya said coldly.

Kabir bowed down and Aditya dismissed him.

Aditya looked at Vihaan.

“ I have caught him.” Vihaan said seriously looking at Aditya.

Aditya nodded his head and stood up from the sofa straightening his coat.

“ Let's go “ Aditya said

“ Wait “ Vihaan stands in front of Aditya. “ You just came back. Take rest today,” Vihaan said concern.

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