Chapter 9: Stay Away Trio

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Last time: After they agreed to take the mission to look into a location suspected to house bandits, Nero learned more about his new friends such as Bianco's dream to see the world, they then meet up with a group calling themselves the Stay Away Trio who attacks them and plans to take Nero

Location: Silph No. 4 (inside)

"Yeah, we're a trio plus guests." Said Nemean the Luxio as he looked upon the five Pokémon. He looked cocky as if he was looking at easy prey in his eyes. "My friends are dealing with your friends, now I will be taking you down."

"Don't act as if you already won when the first punch hasn't landed yet," Sasaki said as he got ready for the fight, showing off his skills with the Honedge sword in his hand as he swung it around with precision and no sign of his grip loosening, it was as if the sword was apart of him. "We have the numbers."

"Yeah, Sauce-Key here is right we have you outmatched!" Jason said as he pointed his leek at the Luxio and Sasaki turning his head and attention slowly at Jason before turning it back to the Luxio.

"Ha, you think we're dumb enough to take on a job with so many Pokémon," Nemean said as he pulled out something that was tied to his tail, a small ball object that was half red and white divided by a black line, a button in the center that Nemean tapped with his claws making the ball grow bigger.

"Is that a Pokeball?" Nero said surprised before seeing Nemean tossing it in the air.

The ball opened up, a flash of light came from it as multiple streams of light left with dozens of strange beings appearing around them. They had small silver bodies almost like children. Nero mistook them as Elgyem, the Cerebral Pokémon, but they were different. They had the same color but they shined as if they were metallic with perfectly oval rounded head instead of having bumps on the sides of their upper heads but had glass domes over them and had lights betting from them, they had eyes that looked pixelated, their hands had the three bumps that were on their left hand but the right hand looked more like a claw with a hole in the center of it, and instead of legs and a tail, they had a disk on their lower body like flying saucers. "What are those things?" Nero said incredibly confused.

"They look like Elgyem but... different, what are they?" Sasaki was just as confused as Nero, along with the others.

"You see mister, Sauce-Key, was it?" Nemean said as he knew it wasn't their name but said it as more of an insult.

"Kyogre dangit!" Sasaki said a form of a swear to his type that Nero and Halo didn't understand, Bianco and Jason however did.

"I believe in true Lord of the Sky Rayquaza," Bianco said to himself.

"These are something my employer calls his Iron Abductors, this device summons and gives me full control over them." Nemean explained with a smirk before one of the Iron Abductors turned to him.

"Invalid information. Correct assumption: We follow basic orders from you such as the following: Attack, defend, take. IP Model 023: Iron Abductor follows orders from Doctor Orcus only unless given master control which you were not given." The Iron Abductor said with its cold robotic voice. Nemean just looked annoyed. "Main objective: Eliminate threats to Doctor Orcus. Capture Nero the Riolu. Clap and cheer at Doctor Orcus' genius."

"These guys lack personality, guess they weren't built for that," Bianco said as he looked at them, looking into their lifeless eyes. It then aimed the clawed hand, opening up before it fired a purple beam from its hand. "Whoa, Psybeam huh?" Bianco said before dashing to the dark energy covering his claw before swinging it. "Night Slash!" Bianco said before taking down the Iron Abductor with one shot. "They are Psychic types so hit them hard enough." Bianco said as he rushed to another to attack with Night Slash taking it down.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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