Chapter 8: Big Mission

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Last time: The time thought of just relaxing after what they've through but were ordered for a commission for a mission to explore a location, unaware that their foes have been planning for their next encounter.

Location: Town of Hermes, docks

Early in the morning, the sun was rising over the horizon for a new day and several Pokémon were at the docks, one of the teams having Sapphire who looked restless and eager for their mission along with Rune and two others, one looking like a small kitten looking Pokémon with a light pink fur and crescent moon patterned face. A Skitty the Kitten Pokémon. The other looked to be a balled-up pile of green vines with red shoes. A shiny Tangela, the vine Pokémon.

Across from them was Team Shade Walker, with Raider, Havoc, and Lime leaning on a wall trying to wait peacefully, only to be annoyed over an argument happening just around the corner. One where their last member Rusty was fighting some Pokémon, the Morgerm he fought a few days ago, both throwing punch after punch. "Overgrown emo boy!" Rusty shouts as he lands a slug into Morgerm's face only to get one for himself, square in the face.

"You're one to talk punk! Look at you and that dumb mohawk!" Morgerm shouts back only to get hit in the face again.

"How dare you! This is how all Scrafty looks! Take this Finn!" Rusty yelled, throwing yet another punch at the Morgerm named Finn. As they kept on fighting, they didn't care about the crowd watching and cheering at the fighting, some were water-type Pokémon who worked in the docks or from the Atlantis kingdom or Ghost from Underland. Captain Kraken was collecting bets.

"C'mon boys, who will go down first! We have twenty-nine bets on Morgerm, while twenty-four on Scrafty!" Captain Kraken said as he was counting the money.

"Ha! I got more Pokémon betting on me! Take that and this!" Finn the Morgerm shouts in victory before landing a blow on their gut making them lower their head, only for Rusty to lunge forward and headbutt with full force at Finn's forehead. Finn stumbled back for a moment before lunging at him, biting their head. As they bit them, they were hit by something, a metal object that forced them to fall down and fall unconscious.

The one who knocked them out was a small pink body with light near white, pink hair on the top of their head with pieces of metal on the sides of their waste, in their hand was a large metal hammer that was in her hands. It was Tinkatuff, the Hammer Pokémon. "I draw the line at biting someone," Tinkatuff said before picking up Finn and dragging them away.

A Pokémon helped out, shadowy hands that came from what looked like an armless Pikachu, more like a rag over something, they also had a drawn-on face and a wooden stick behind them. A Mimikyu, the Disguise Pokémon. "Let me help you." The Mimikyu said to the Tinkatuff.

The crowd booed about this and demanded a refund only for Kraken to point at a sign that was keeping score with writing below the scores saying "No Refunds" in bold black letters. "Sorry folks, no refunds." Kraken explained with so many of the Pokémon looking disappointed.

"Aw! C'mon, no fair!"

"There goes my food money for this week."

"My paycheck and poor wallet!"

As the crowd was disbanding, one of the Pokémon that looked disappointed the most was Kanemaki as they had some bets too. Team Hope with Bianco, Halo, and Nero just arrived to see what was going on. They discussed taking Clay the Golurk with them but were told to keep him in the guild as they tried to understand him and the box they always carried. "Looked like Rusty and Finn were at it again," Bianco said as he understood what had happened from just the sign that Kraken was cleaning.

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