Beautifully perfect

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"Hi" Charlie says gently, before jumping into my arms. He buries his head into the curve of my neck, allowing me to tangle my fingers up in his curls. His perfect adorable curls. How he manages to keep them so beautiful every day, I don't know, but I love them more than anything. I love him more than anything.

He pulls away eventually, before immediately pulling my head in again for a kiss. But this doesn't feel like any other kiss. It's slow and gentle, his soft lips just about grazing mine, but still enough to fill my stomach with that amazing tingly feeling.

We head to the party, walking slowly together hand in hand, inching closer and closer every road we pass. The night is calm, so quiet it feels as if we are totally alone. A slight breeze and warm air dances through the air adding perfectly into the current atmosphere of this beautiful evening. Everything is silent, yet so loud between us, my emotions screaming inside my head. I can't even begin to explain what I am feeling. But I know that I am loving it. Me and Charlie here, just the two of us. I want to live like this forever.

However, that sense of freeness is quickly destroyed by the thumping of music and echo of voices as the house nears. Harry's house, where, of course, this party was thrown.

The front entrance is surrounded by crowds of already drunk teenagers, so walk round the side of the house, following an empty pathway to the back garden. It is slightly less packed there, but still no place for privacy.

"Let's go find the others" I say, clearly able to see that Charlie is getting uncomfortable. He's never been a fan of huge crowds, but this is especially difficult for him as alot of his old bullies are here. I won't let anything happen to him though, and he knows it. If anyone trys anything, stuff could get messy quickly; I would do anything to protect him.

Charlie nods, a smile appearing once again on his face. I just want him to enjoy this party. It's our first party as a couple, so we have to make it special.

We begin to search the living room, which, for the record, is probably the size of my whole house combined. Harry's house is ridiculously big, how he doesn't get lost in this place I don't know. But fortunately, it isnt difficult to find Darcy even in a loud, massive place like this. Her voice can be heard from anywhere.

"My favourite gaysss!" Darcy yells drunkenly as we walk up to her and the others. Yep. She's already very drunk.

"So you didn't try to limit her drinking then?" Charlie jokes towards Tara.

"Oi just because I'm her girlfriend doesn't mean I have to look after her all the time" says Tara back sassily, but immediately after whispers to me and Charlie,
"I tried but she's such a lightweight."

We spend the rest of the evening sitting and chatting with Tao and Elle in the garden, away from the biggest crowds. None of us are massive party people so we would take any opportunity for a little bit of quiet.

It's 11pm when Charlie leans his head on my shoulder and closes his eyes. I don't realise immediately, as he's usually quite clingy, but he has fallen asleep on me. Instead of waking him up straight away, I take the opportunity to admire his beauty. This boy is mine and I'm so happy that I can finally say that. He's just so perfect, I love him more than anything.

"Nickk stop staring" I'm brought back to reality by Charlie awakening. He caught me staring, knowing full well I've been checking him out and daydreaming about him. I feel my face go red from embarrassment, but his smile gets rid of that immediately.
"Char, you're so beautiful, how can you expect me not to stare."
This time he blushes, the area just above his dimples going an adorable baby pink colour.

We decide to head home after that. Charlies clearly getting super tired and it was getting late anyway. Also, everyone had begun getting very drunk, so it was safer to leave before the chaos started.
I walk Charlie back to his house again, however we both walk as slow as possible so we can spend as much time together as possible. But sadly the walk doesn't last forever. It's 12:14 when we arrive to his, and it seems as if everyone in his family is already asleep.
Lucky for us, that means I can spend the night without being interrogated by Charlie's mum like I usually am. I quickly message my mum just to let her know, then take Charlie up to his room.

He collapses onto his bed the second we get into his room and is already asleep by the time I sit down next to him. I don't get how he falls asleep so easily, but he is so cute when he sleeps. I could sit next to him all night and just watch him lay there, peacefully hugged up to his favourite teddy. He's had it since he was a baby, and has never slept without it. Which I also find insanely adorable. Trying not to wake him up, I gently move him so he's comfortable and cover him with a blanket.
Charlie's got a single bed so it's a tight squeeze, but I manage to snuggle up next to him and wrap my arms around his waist. To be honest, I do quite like his single bed as it gives me an excuse to be closer to Charlie, but I'd never tell him that.

"I love you so much my perfect boy" I whisper and kiss gently kiss him on the forehead, before falling asleep myself.

Charlies pov:

I'm half asleep when I hear Nick whisper "I love you so much my perfect boy"
He must think I'm asleep.
How did I get someone so amazing?

I realise my eyes are beginning to tear up. Tears of joy of course. I love Nick so much. He's so kind and beautiful and perfect. He's my dream boy. I would give anything to live like this forever.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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