Spin the bottle

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Charlie's pov:

I was in the middle of reading my school book when I lose focus from Nick saying,
"Are you going to the party this evening?"
I had completely forgot about that to be honest.
I never usually go to school parties, as I'm not a huge fan of loud and crowded spaces, but I feel like I should as its the last big one of school (not including six-form and uni obviously). And anyway, I'll have Nick.
"Only if your going, im not being stuck there on my own!" I say, half joking, half serious.
"Yeah I think I'll go," Nick starts, "Wanna meet there at 6?"
I nod, "sure."

Time skip - at the party

Me and Nick both meet outside the party building, nervously waiting to go in. We've never really been the one to party much, but this one was even scarier as like half the school was here. Once we eventually get over our nerves and make our way into the venue, I look around and see huge crowds of people, dancing, jumping and running around with eachother. Some are wearing smart suits or dresses, whereas some just in smart-casual. Me and Nick are in that section. We are both wearing button up shirts, he's wearing some somewhat smart joggers and im wearing skinny jeans. I don't feel super comfortable wearing a shirt, but my mum wouldn't let me out in just a jumper. Which I find really stupid as it's literally just a teenage party, no one gives a single shit.

Nicks pov:

We spend most of the party in a secluded corner at the back of the venue, chatting away and laughing till we lose our breath. Charlie honestly looks so cute right now, I don't know how I'm still acting normally around him. He's also sweating causing his curls to stick down on his for head. Its proper hot.

"Oi Nick mate!"
Our conversation is interrupted. Harry drops down next to me and puts his arm on my shoulder. Why are straight people like this...

"Loads of our year are playing spin the bottle out back, wanna join?" I look at Charlie with a questioning expression, as if to ask him if we wants to.
Charlie was bullied by a lot of these boys last year, when he got outed, so I didn't want to make him uncomfortable being around them. However, he nods so we make our way with Harry to another back room, blasting a song by The Smiths, I think.

The game goes pretty normally, with people downing drinks for dares and stupid stuff like that. Eventually, it lands on Charlie. It's Harry's turn to give the dare, and all I can do is panic, what horrible thing is he gonna make Charlie do.
"I dare you too..." Harry starts, scratching the back of his head as if he's deep in thought. He suddenly looks up, a grin spreading across his face. Oh no.
"I dare you to spend 5 minutes in the closet with Nick." For anyone who doesn't know, 5 minutes in the closet is a game where 2 people go into a closet and (supposedly) make out lol.
A mix of 'ooooh' and laughter fills the room. My heart starts to race again. No, this will be fine right? We're friends. We can just talk our way through it. Its just a dare. Nothing actually has to happen; even if I wanted it too, Charlie doesn't like me back so it doesn't matter.

I'm again snapped out of my panic by Harry shaking my shoulder.
"In you go then lads." He says and winks, "Have fun" He then laughs and rolls his eyes as he heads back to his place in the circle. I can tell he's just being a homophobic dick, but I chose to ignore it and instead look over in Charlie's direction. He's clearly just as pissed off and worried as I am.
"It's fine, we can just chat in there." I whisper into his ear and stand up. He follows me and I lead him into the 'closet' (Its more just a small room, but for the games sake we call it a closet). Charlie shuts the door, and we hear someone lock if from the outside. My nerves build up again as we both sit down in the middle of the floor.
"Well." He mutters, only just loud enough for me to hear. I turn my body round the face him, so we are sitting opposite eachother. He doesn't seem like he really wants to be here, as he's sitting with his legs tucked into his chest and a slightly sad look on his face.

We once again make eye contact, and I take the chance to admire all his beauty. Its quite dark in here, but just bright enough that I can make out his facial features. I soon notice my eyes flickering between his eyes and lips. I want to kiss him so bad. Just taste his soft lips and keep him close to me forever. I want, no need, him

He starts quietly speaking again. "So what do you wan-" I can't resist any longer. I lean forward, reach both of my hands to his neck, and connect my lips to his. I kiss him hard and passionately. I have no clue what im doing but what I do know is how much I need him. It takes Charlie a few seconds to react, then he's pushing me forcefully backwards so his full body is top of me. My left arm instinctively wrap around his waist, pulling him closer against my chest; I need him so bad. His body heat radiates mine, and it feels magical. I keep pulling him closer to me, if that's even possible. I never knew a person could make me feel like this - this alive.

His soft lips suck desperately on on mine, as I push more into the kiss as if my life depends on it. At this moment in time, it feels like it does. I wouldn't want to be anywhere but here right now. I run my hand through his thick soft hair on the back of his head. He mimics me, tugging on mine slightly and causing me to let out a gasp of shock and joy. Charlie takes this opportunity to slip his tongue inside my mouth, and wraps it round mine. He tastes sweet, almost like a cherry bakewell. I love this new feeling of his mouth against mine. This is what I've been waiting for all this time.

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